

I am Daisy. I am 40 and live alone in Hampshire in the UK and can probably tell you all the same story you can tell me. I've done all the diets including hypnotherapy to varying degrees of success but seem to always end up back at the starting gate again. Every now and then I hit on something that gets my attention enough to work really well and the last time was losing 70lbs on Weight Watchers, taking me down to 17lbs away from my goal. That was four years ago though and 55lbs of that has now gone back on - despite my determination at the time that I would never let that happen again.

I am still not ready to give up though so thought I would give this a go. It has been a good 20 years since my last straight forward calorie counting plan and with all the fancy technological ways of recording and looking up stuff it should stay interesting for a while hopefully. It was certainly interesting to notice that yesterday I ate nearly 1000 cals too many, despite being what I would consider to be pretty well educated about food. I just need to leave the WW points behind and see stuff as high and low calorie instead I suppose.

I also want to explore why I find food so important and how I can stop it being the thing that I use to celebrate, commiserate, cheer myself up with, entertain with, fill any point of boredom with. I am sure thin people don't think about it anywhere near as often as I do and I would love to find the secret of enjoying it but without it being absolutely everything.

So, wish me luck and I hope that we will all become slim friends!



  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    Good luck and I hope you are successful!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome Daisy. We are all hoping this time it will come off and stay off and with this site and their great tools plus support system I believe we will all be successful.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Good Luck! Nothing like hard work and determination. Keep your head high! I have lost a total of 55lbs and I am now on my last 10. You CAN do it!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Daisy, Good luck!

    Your ready because of past failures, and willing to do something about it now! Come to the right place,keep posting and listening to members,they will give you ideas,and motivation. Also show you, your not alone in this fight to a healthy lifestyle! I'M not a doctor, ever wonder why you go for food instead of say exercise,shopping, or any other area when bored,stressed,etc.....?:heart: Keep in touch and you will be successful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile: