College students?

Hey! I'm a freshman in college and I know how hard it is to get healthy while in it... I didn't gain any weight last semester, but I did gain a few pounds over break and I was really hoping to avoid the Freshman 15. Which leads me here. I've done MFP a few times in the past and I loved it, so I figured I'd do it now. I could use some MFP friends that are in college as well as a support group kind of thing since I'm doing this on my own.

Add me if you want! :) My goal is to get down to at least 125, so I have quite a long way to go (about 40-45 pounds). Thanks guys!


  • I just joined. I am in graduate school, but I am in the same boat! I went from being a very active person, playing DDR everyday, to being a librarian. I miss being able to eat anything I want, but things change.
  • achesbro237
    achesbro237 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm also a freshman in college, I slimmed down and toned up a lot during first semester, then I went home for break and I lost it all. Now I have to start back from square one. It's so discouraging. But to stay motivated my boyfriend and I have set a goal, which you can do with whomever you'd like. For each mile you run, bike, and accomplish in the gym, that's how far away you'll go on vacation. For example, we want to go to Aruba, I need to complete 1,938.93 more miles by next winter break. It's a great motivator and you'll have fun! Going to the gym is easy, but anyone can do that. I seem to struggle in the food area, sadly. I hope this helps!
  • I just finished my undergrad but I totally know how it feels like! I used to be a varsity athlete, but had to leave. And when I did, I gained some serious weight. I was so embarrassed about my graduation photo, that when I uploaded it to facebook, I had to photoshop it thin.

    Good luck! Just steer clear of the instant ramen, doughnuts, and the variations of deep fat fried chicken. Pin point the healthy food joints around campus, and allot about 30 minutes each for 3 to 5 days a week of exercise, and that should be good enough for healthy weight maintenance.
  • That's actually a really good and fun idea! I know I'm going to Virginia over spring break, which is about 500 miles from me. It's cutting it close in time (since it's only less than two months away), but I could split it in half and try for 250 miles. Thanks for the tip! :D
  • The travel thing is such a good idea. My boyfriend and I do it differently because running isn't our main source of exercise. His mother will sponsor a trip for us to Boracay for some maximum X amount of money. Now as a team, the three of us have separate weight loss goals, and pooling them together is our 100%. By the end of 6 months, what % of our pooled weight loss goals were achieved will be the % of the budget for the trip. So say like, we lost only 70% of our pooled weight loss goals, then the money we'll have for our trip will only be 70% of the maximum.

    So we're all trying to push harder and hit our goals, so that we all have more money for the trip.