21 Day Fix - what is so special about it?



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    LOL....SOOOO many first posts pushing shakology - it is so pathetic.....
    To the OP - you do not need shakology to be happy, lose weight, be healthy or be fit.... I love the beachbody exercise dvd's, they are fun to do and works. As for buying a bag of muddy tasting overpriced shakes and putting it in equally expensive coloured containers? - So not needed for anything other than to fill somebody else's pocket.....
  • cobourg1
    cobourg1 Posts: 1
    I am a certified personal trainer and certified pole fitness instructor.
    I am having a really hard time with this program and watching people get sucked in. It's expensive ( because of the multi level marketing ) and its non gender specific, same amount of food everyday for every person ??? Really!!
    Is not a healthy lifestyle and for long term it's dangerous.
    It does not factor in someone's medical health history, allergies, food intolerances, blood type, etc... I have paid a lot of money, dedication and time on my education to help others with their fitness goals and overnight theses "beach body coaches" are essentially doing the same thing!
    I am all for seeing people achieve success, keeping healthy and fit but not with these "quick fix" unrealistic, expensive ways with untrained coaches!
    If I am going to pay that much I want to have one on one with the creator in person!
  • mia_1980
    mia_1980 Posts: 21 Member
    I think you can take your own containers and figure it out on your own. I have done 6 week body makeover in the past. It basically consisted of a protein with each meal.
    Fruit and protein for breakfast, protein and fruit for morning snack, protein, carb, and veggie for lunch, protein carb veggie for dinner and protein and veggies for snacks.
    In my opinion, most diets say the same. 3 big meals 2 or 3 snacks.

    I pretty sure if you use those basics plus use your own containers that you already have at home, it would be the same thing. Im sure if you measure your servings at least 1 time and fit them into your own containers, you would then know how much to eat without measuring each time.

    With that said, I would still order the program if I could only purchase the containers and the meal plan. I want to stick to my t25 and turbo fire videos. My husband will not agree with my spending any more money with beach body than I already have.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    omygoodness Becky, how inspiring are you!! My husband had leukemia several years ago and has never been the same since. Chemo is SOO hard on your body. I am so proud of you for taking a leap of faith and trying something that has helped you heal in ways you could not have dreamed of! So glad you are enjoying the adorable little peanut too!! You keep on rockin!! Dyanna
  • jenn_empowered
    I am also a personal trainer and just started the fix because I have issues with portion control and menoapause gain. I have in the past been a lifetime member of Weight Watchers and I find the 21 day fix similar. Nothing is truly off limits but you have plenty of great options to fill the containers with. It does offer more protein for men and has comments about nursing moms, food allergies, diabetics etc. As with any program it is a base structure for you to start to develop consistent healthy habits. Realistically I could eat this way the rest of my life with some moderations for holidays etc. To each their own. Weight watchers worked great for me post babies but not post cancer so if something else works with where I am in life then I do it. I don't push it on my clients. I research all kinds of eating plans and shakes with them and make individual changes for them.
  • 311snowwhite
    311snowwhite Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with a lot of the comments I have read. It's about what works for you. I have done three beachbody programs (two of them multiple times). One of their programs in particular helped get me in the best shape of my life! Was it entirely because of the program? No. Did I make healthy lifestyle changes, keep up a gym routine once the program ended and continue to eat healthier? YES! However, I contribute a lot of what I have learned to these programs. I also contribute these programs with giving me some of the tools I needed to have continued success. I have lost a total of nearly 70 pounds (76 at my smallest) and feel fantastic. I did not ,as one commenter said, let the pounds "fly back on" when the programs were over. I have never used shakeology, but know many regular people who have and they swear by it. It's all about what works for you, what helps you stay consistent and mostly what helps you stay motivated. Some of these programs can be a little pricy, but then again so can a fancy new dress, a designer handbag or some nice new shoes. But what did any of those things ever do do help you lose weight and be in the best shape of your life?? As a matter of fact, by using one of these programs you might have been able to buy that fancy new dress in a few sizes smaller ;-)
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    Was there a Shakology sales training regional this weekend? Because this is like the fourth thread on this topic in one evening. MLM's.. they are a trixy bunch.
  • JessicaBowlby
    JessicaBowlby Posts: 14 Member
    $108/mo for Shakeology sure beats the heck out of spending $300/$400 a month on anti-depressants, bipolar medications, and all the things we kept trying for my digestive tract.

    Woah there. Proper nutrition can absolutely help with lethargy, blood sugar balance, and general outlook. HOWEVER, as you are a brand ambassador, it is irresponsible to imply that those of us with a serious serotonin imbalance (chemical depression) will no longer require medication if we are on a healthy diet and exercise regime. Healthy living can improve your mood, but it cannot alter your brain structure, any more than it can make you taller.

    I am actually looking into trying the 21 day FIX, I think it may jump start new habits for me, and the portion-control containers intrigue me, but I'm still going to require medical treatment for my medical condition, and it angers me when people imply that that's not the case.

    If you read my whole message you would understand that this is what worked for ME. And spending 108/month was justified because I - ME; not everyone else - was able to get off all of MY medications. That doesn't mean I don't still have therapy sessions or relapses. I'm not 100% cured and I'm not saying that a shake will 100% cure someone else. But, this is what has worked FOR ME. My diet. My exercise. My NUTRITION did it for me. My nutrition INCLUDES what Shakeology offers. My nutrition is what helped me become med free.

    I am not a "brand ambassador". I simply share my story with others. I don't care if someone drinks Shakeology or buys a product from Beachbody. What I DO care about is HELPING others reach their goals. I am by no means a known coach. My name isn't out there. I help WAY more people WITHOUT these products, than with and I prefer it to stay that way. The accomplishment isn't in pushing products, it's in helping people and MOST - not all but most - coaches know that.
  • lions_2010
    I love 21 Day Fix because it comes with a set of portion containers. It's really hard for me to eat right portions- I can never remember the "deck of cards" or "size of your fist" rules. Since using the containers, I can tell if something is the right portion even if it's not in a container. And I love that there are specific workouts for each day. I'm extremely busy, not using that as an excuse but I'm in class from 8am to 4pm, work from 4pm-8pm and work on homework after that usually until midnight, so it's nice that there is a program to tell me what I need to do and how I need to do it. It really is just about personal preference and what would work for you and your life.
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    I just finished my first round of the 21 day fix and lost around 6 pounds and 6.5 inches. I love this program because it teaches you portion control and how to eat the right way. and the workouts are only 30 min which are great!!
  • ashleyonich22
    ashleyonich22 Posts: 2 Member
    Is it true that if you order through a coach it will get to you faster? Right now it says 4-6 weeks and I don't know if I can wait that long...
  • ffnell343
    Oh where to start... no you do not need to use these programs to lose weight. It is all up to personal preference.
    To the person who said that they save 5k by not doing shakeology really needs to do the math right and if you are going to claim to be a personal trainer and give advice as such then you need to do your research. Shakeology is $129 a month which adds up to a little more than about $1500 a year. That averages out to $4 a day.. That is less than a cup of coffee from Starbucks people. It just seems like a lot because it's all at once. However, once again it goes to personal preference. In my case, I love the shakeology, I've used protein shakes and other supplements for years before I got pregnant and they get old fast. Plus I never felt like I got an energy boost from the protein shakes or supplements even when I went to places like Max Muscle and had a whole thing done just for me. With shakeology, because it has the nutrients that you end up lacking from dieting you aren't miserable. It's no different than drinking something to get more electrolytes when you are dehydrated. Plus they offer a vegan option which I think is awesome! Once again it's about person preference.

    As for the Beachbody programs... No they are not the only way you can lose weight and to be honest yes the programs are amazing, but what makes it work even better is the HUGE support and community you get when you do them. There are even Facebook groups and you get a free coach. It's like having a personal trainer with you in your own home, but teaches YOU to have the will power. I think they are awesome, plus of you compare what you spend w these programs compared to what you will spend on a gym that let's face it most people don't actually use their memberships, the price really isn't bad.
  • ffnell343
    If you go on the teambeachbody website there is an option to get just the 21 Day Fix without shakeology and it's only $59.95... I just saw it the other day.
  • ffnell343
    I am a certified personal trainer and certified pole fitness instructor.
    I am having a really hard time with this program and watching people get sucked in. It's expensive ( because of the multi level marketing ) and its non gender specific, same amount of food everyday for every person ??? Really!!
    Is not a healthy lifestyle and for long term it's dangerous.
    It does not factor in someone's medical health history, allergies, food intolerances, blood type, etc... I have paid a lot of money, dedication and time on my education to help others with their fitness goals and overnight theses "beach body coaches" are essentially doing the same thing!
    I am all for seeing people achieve success, keeping healthy and fit but not with these "quick fix" unrealistic, expensive ways with untrained coaches!
    If I am going to pay that much I want to have one on one with the creator in person!

    Ok, first off, I love how you say your a certified personal trainer, that's nice it's not hard to get into... Unless you have taken your time to get a degree in it and even then it is just your opinion. Second, I have a very hard time with people who think that things need to be gender specific... If you go to a yoga class at a gym there are men and women mixed in they do not throw in specific moves for if your a man or if your a woman. Yes, there are different exercises targeting different areas of the body that men or women worry about the most. Also, I really wish you would do some more research before trying to give a professional opinion. This is an full body fitness program. It is also not the same amount of food for everyone. It goes by a calorie allowance geared towards your weight and how much you want to lose. Then it tells you how many of each color container you can have per day. It's no different than weighing food or counting calories.. The difference is that it is easier and more organized. Being a personal trainer you should know that the hardest thing for people to stick to is a diet... Mainly because of the negative connotation of the word. People think that they have to give up anything that has flavor to diet and let's face it counting calories gets overwhelming and often doesn't work because people cheat. This makes it more organized and less overwhelming. To respond to the "it's expensive" comment, if you do not do the Shakeology, it's a one time payment of $59.95... Being a personal trainer myself (and I do have my degree) purchasing that system is less than coming to me and getting a system. I'm sure that it is also cheaper than using your services.
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    My cousin is a huge BB worshiper. She lost 157 pounds on it and loves it. Yes, her facebook sometimes gets a bit preachy but I think all fitness nuts are a bit like that anyway... And she has turned into a fitness beast.

    She's been trying for a long time to get me to do anything BB. I finally caved and ordered the 21 day fix the other day, but wont get it until sometime in May because of backorder I guess.

    I've had about a dozen emails since the other day "encouraging" me to get the drinks. Cousin suggested just once, but beachbody is the one emailing me nonstop. Finally out of desperation I called them today and explained my very serious allergy to an ingredient in their drinks-- frankly it's in almost every protien drink on the market so I cannot say it's just them....

    The gals suggestion-- go ahead and try it anyway and if it makes me ill, I can return.
    Are you freakin kidding me???? I know I'm HIGHLY allergic to an ingredient in their drinks. Why would I try it?

    I'm wondering though-- after hours of searching and contacting companies, I found one that actually guarantees (I spoke with a head scientist at their company today...) they do not have any ingredients I'm allergic to...

    I have kept reading all over the internet people saying it's IMPOSSIBLE to get the same great results that Shakeology gives on your own. Not sure I believe that... It seems it's VERY hard to get a review of shakeology that isn't a bit suspicious...

    I can drink the About Time Chocolate Protein and today found out I can drink the Genesis Today Genessentials greens. That will give me the protein and the greens (better stats than Shakeology from what I think I'm seeing) so why wouldn't that work just as well?

    Sorry if I derailed the thread. I did order the 21 day fix but have not tried it yet. I can update after it arrives though. I plan to do the mealplan (with boxes) and the exercise. No association with BB at all so no push to try anything of theirs or not...
  • wheelmk
    wheelmk Posts: 2
    I'm trying it right now and to be honest I'm finding it harder to stick to than just eating what I want (within reason) and recording it on fitness pal. Its pretty strict with the what you can at/can't eat thing - despite its variety. Definitely all about eating healthy….but sheeeez! You can have 6 pieces california roll sushi but no soy sauce (I put a very small dribble of low sodium soy sauce on mine). I love peanut butter on brown rice cake and sliced bananas…but the programs only slots me 2 tsp a day of peanut butter….normally I do 1-2 TBSP. This makes for a really dry rice cake snack. I realize its only for 21 days and I can change it to what I want later…..though i've lost weight (and gained it back when I stop tracking!) not really "denying" myself like you have to with 21 day fix. The other thing is the variety of weight loss reported: some lost 4 pounds some lost 12 (though most only lost 3-4 pounds which is acceptably healthy), but I did this just tracking on fitness pal, too. I don't have a lot to lose (20 pounds would be nice but I'll take 15), so this puts me in the smallest calorie range (1200-1399). I find myself STARVED at bedtime and have eaten all of my containers.:-( I try my best to pick the densest foods, but I'm not a ALL veggies loving person, and I don't eat red meat or pork. Its a great system to get you off junk food and eating healthy with portion-control teaching….but for me its a hard thing to do as a mom with normal-weight husband and kids eating whatever.
  • wheelmk
    wheelmk Posts: 2
    I'm drinking chocolate shakeology and about halfway throughout my first bag. Its good. I mix it with half banana or peanut butter. I've mixed in berries, too. I like it with 1/2 c almond milk (unsweetened) and about 3/4 cup water and 7-8 ice cubes. My reaction to it varies and I don't know why. Some days I drink and all is good and some days I drink and I can "feel" it digesting. The very first time I had it I mixed it with skim milk….not a good idea. That created gas galore (tmi, sorry). As for all those people that say "I've never felt healthier" or "My skin is clearer" or "I no longer crave junk food" or "it keeps me feeling full for hours"….none of that applies to me. I feel no different drinking it (I'm healthy anyway, I guess), my skin is fine - no different than before, I still want a cookie or treat (lol), and no way in hey do I feel full for "hours" after I drink it (I'm hungry again 2 hours later). I'm keeping an eye out for a cheaper alternative. Reviews for those seem skewed too.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    This is hilarious. Check out all these profiles with 1 or 2 total comments total throughout their entire history on MFP peddling this over priced slim fast/ protein shake hybrid. It's like copy and past marketing heaven in this thread for beach body coaches.

    As of this post, I counted at least 15 first time posters in this thread, all of them pro Beachbody/Shakeology/21 Day Fix.
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    I'm trying it right now and to be honest I'm finding it harder to stick to than just eating what I want (within reason) and recording it on fitness pal. Its pretty strict with the what you can at/can't eat thing - despite its variety. Definitely all about eating healthy….but sheeeez! You can have 6 pieces california roll sushi but no soy sauce (I put a very small dribble of low sodium soy sauce on mine). I love peanut butter on brown rice cake and sliced bananas…but the programs only slots me 2 tsp a day of peanut butter….normally I do 1-2 TBSP. This makes for a really dry rice cake snack. I realize its only for 21 days and I can change it to what I want later…..though i've lost weight (and gained it back when I stop tracking!) not really "denying" myself like you have to with 21 day fix. The other thing is the variety of weight loss reported: some lost 4 pounds some lost 12 (though most only lost 3-4 pounds which is acceptably healthy), but I did this just tracking on fitness pal, too. I don't have a lot to lose (20 pounds would be nice but I'll take 15), so this puts me in the smallest calorie range (1200-1399). I find myself STARVED at bedtime and have eaten all of my containers.:-( I try my best to pick the densest foods, but I'm not a ALL veggies loving person, and I don't eat red meat or pork. Its a great system to get you off junk food and eating healthy with portion-control teaching….but for me its a hard thing to do as a mom with normal-weight husband and kids eating whatever.

    That's what I'm soooo afraid of!
    I see this is a very low carb diet/plan/whatever you want to call it.. I did atkins -- under the supervision of a dietician at my local hospital (free program they offered) and I got very sick. I followed it 100% for 6 months and just couldn't take it. I felt horrible.

    I'm terrified this will make me feel bad again, yet am afraid if I don't follow it completely will not see any results....

    And in the past I don't do well with restrictive diets. Especially with a child who is on a high calorie diet, two other teenagers who eat nonstop and a skinny husband who eats everything in sight. Cooking a separate meal for me and them doesn't seem to work fo me.

    I'm really nervous. Wish it would ship already so I can see the darn thing. I really cannot figure out what my calorie range would be without that booklet so I really cannot figure out yet if this is doable for me or not.

    I am a twice ww dropout (gained but didnt ever "get" the program), atkins dropout (never lost, felt sick), nutrisystem dropout (lost 20 pounds but was allergic to 90% of the food so that got old really fast), and don't even ask me how many weight loss books i"ve bought and tried. And a few that I bought and never opened. uugh