Question for ladies who run......

slimmingsiobhan Posts: 54
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey girls,

Excuse me if there is too much information here; there is just something that is bothering me.
I began running on Monday after a full 12-18months without much exercise as I was pregnant & had a c-section 7 months ago.
Only ran gently approx 1/2 a mile and built up to 2 miles gradually and gently.
Found that since yesterday morning I have been spot bleeding and yet my period is not due for 2 weeks?
Sense says to me that this is a result of the section, scar tissue strain etc, but would like to be re-assured that it has happened to other people! I've googled it and it looks quite common - but it's put me off exercising tonight :-s

Many thanks in advance,



  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member
    Well this has never happened to me though I've never been pregnant but I imagine it's what you say it is. Sorry if TMI here but I think when you run you quite often gets 'things' that become unlodged inside. Does that make sense or just sound horrifically gross? :laugh:

    Anyway sorry I can't be more help but I think it's not anything serious. However if it keeps happening and you are worried about it definitely go visit your GP just to make sure.
  • Angila
    Angila Posts: 91 Member
    You may want to call your dr just to be safe. It may be normal but I wouldn't take that chance and it wouldn't hurt to call and find out. Good luck with the running, Ive been running since May and I've lost 11lbs. I know it would be more than that but I'm still eatting what I want.
  • That happened to me for a while when I was new to running. I'm not a doctor, nor have I consulted a doctor about it, but I've been there!
  • Thanks guys...Bit concerned might give tonight a miss, gutted as I've really been enjoying my runs, too. xx
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I agree with other posts that maybe you should check with your dr just to be safe. I started MFP 7 weeks ago and about 3 weeks in I got my period 7 days early. I am on BC and have been on the same BC for 15 years. My period has been like clockwork, every 28 days for 15 years! I checked with my dr and he said that the dramatic change in calories and exercise can cause this. I took a pregnancy test JUST to make sure nothing was goin' on there. It was negative of course and this month things are right back on track.
  • I noticed that when I was heavy and didn't workout that my period was very heavy and lasted for a full 7-8 days. After I started losing weight and working out it was alot lighter and didn't last as long. Now that I have lost alot of weight (120lbs total) and i workout and run everyday I have a very very light period for only like 3 days. I know that alot of marathon runners don't have a period at all. I'm not sure what causes it though.
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I know that alot of marathon runners don't have a period at all. I'm not sure what causes it though.
    A great deal of what you loose during your period is the fatty lining build up of your uterus. As you loose weight, there is less lining build up and less to loose. Many athletes of all sports and even performing arts loose their periods completely due to a low body fat ratio and simply because there is nothing to bleed out. Loosing your period is also associated with hormone changes while being incredibly active and sometimes even just stress can cause an already low period to go away from time to time.
  • ntp0826
    ntp0826 Posts: 95 Member
    My doctor told me that when you put stress on your body(working out and cutting calories) it can have a small effect on your cycle. When I had lost more than twenty pounds I started getting the spotting too especially when my workouts were intense. You might wanna check with your doctor but I think its fine!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I experienced this a few times last year when I started running. It eventually stopped. I went to see my Dr. and she explained it was from the sudden increase in exercise and the buildup being released due to the pounding movement on the body.

    Listen to your body and if it continues go and see your Dr. for piece of mind.

    Happy running!

  • Thanks guys,

    I eased up on the intensity of my work out last night & as a result it's slowed the bleeding to a halt!
    I'm a hundred percent confident its a result of running - but I'm booked in with the doctor 3.30pm just to be sure on Monday (:

    Thanks for the replies really appreciate the input & happy running xxxx
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