(LONG) Sing the Technotronic song and get to know me

Hey there everyone. First off I just want to say thank you to the makers and helpers at myfitnesspal.com. This is an invaluable service and I love the set up.

I am a 34 year old Messianic, SAHM, thank you husband for that :) I was a preschool teacher for several years and have been accused of being a hippie. And that's alright with me. I'm into natural, sustainable living and my dream (that I intend to see come to fruition) is to have a small farm with chickens (had some but wild animals ate them when I moved to the mountains, moved back to desert), goats and/or sheep, lots of vegetables, berries, and fruit trees. I like to kayak and canoe but haven't much opportunity where I am at. Have lived in Southern California, New Mexico, and Washington state.

My health journey and more: In the early 2000s (my early 20s) I hovered around 135. Gave into the munchies and began to hover around 160. Gave into some real bad stuff and went to an unhealthy (not weight-wise just body-wise) 130. I got pregnant which was a miracle and turning point for me. I gave up all my bad and decided I was going to do right. I starting reading about organics and all that good stuff. I gained about 35lbs during my pregnancy and was healthy, only vomiting if I ate McDonald's haha. My health and weight were okay for about a year after and then I began to pack on the pounds, reaching my highest of 210 in 2005.

University took our little family (me, husband, and toddler girl) to Washington state. There I worked as a preschool teacher which quickly saw the weight coming off with all that running around and little time to nosh. My little girl and I got to be together, so that was awesome. I also was the Child Care Program manager at Gold's Gym and did a little (not much to be honest) working out there. Strength training only for me. Boo to cardio machines. We moved to another town and I began to take yoga at the Y. I lost 40lbs though! So began my hover at 180 for a few years.

We moved to Central California coastal town for my husband's work (youth ministry) and I was a preschool teacher again. My daughter started kindergarten and I was able to work out at a local gym. Once again eschewing cardio, I opted for yoga and continued strength training, which honestly was squats with the bar in the squat cage, a little dumbbell lifting, and pull ups.

After that year (my husband's position was interim) we went to Oregon for a few months to help with my husband's ailing grandfather who sadly passed only a few days before we left to go up. We went up anyway and within a few months I got a job at a preschool in Washington. So we moved and stayed with my husband's father and stepmother, as we had for a month or two when we first went up for University.

We finally got a place closer to my work (we had been an hour's drive away. That's Washington though: 15 miles can equal 1 hours drive.) I practiced yoga on my own and decided I wanted to become an instructor. So, it took about a year and I received my 400 hour RYT or CYT ha, I forget I'd have to look at the certificate. We began receiving fresh organic produce delivered to our door from our CSA, Full Circle Farm. It was awesome. We became an almost fully organic family. Around that time our daughter began to have serious hearing problems. Previously, she had about 30% hearing loss and apnea which was detected around age two. Removal of the tonsils, adenoids, and myringotomy fixed the apnea, but the hearing became progressively worse as time passed. At this point we were yelling with her right in front of us. Seattle Children's Hospital and my dr. grandfather who lived in the area were a great help. She got hearing aids and we learned that her hearing will most likely not improve.

In 2010 we decided to move back to California so I could pursue a teaching credential and we could be near more of our family. A week before leaving we learned that after nine year, I was again pregnant. Surprise! My weight was at a 170 hover. We moved anyway, I decided to not go back to school and it took my husband six months to find employment. This was not for lack of trying. He had a bachelor's degree, applied in his field and out, at warehouse, oilfield, and any positions available. The local Human Services department said he was the best interview they ever tested and he was just overqualified for all available employment opportunities, well toot! Honestly, we had a wonderful time being together, the best we've ever gotten along actually and this was no job, living in a concrete, dilapidated shop room that was attached to my Aunt's house.

Divine providence in early 2011, my husband got the highest paying job he's ever had and we bought our first house (extremely affordable--probably shouldn't say, but under 50,000) thanks to a loan from my mom and her husband. We were in our house before baby boy came and it was great. The day I hit 200lbs I gave birth to a healthy 8lb 12oz boy, who made his appearance in the car on the way to the hospital (45 minutes away). Honestly I'd always wanted to homebirth but husband was scared. Well, breastfeeding was awesome and the weight melted away. Then something really scary began to happen. The right side of my face began to go numb. I felt dizzy most of the time (this had been intermittent the past few years). My head felt very full on the right side. I had major anxiety. The doctors suspected a brain tumor. I did so much crying and calling out to God. My baby is never going to know who I am, I cry now just typing it. My daughter will not have me. I won't be there for her. Her wedding, her children. My poor husband. And how I cried and danced before the Lord. Please God, don't take me yet. Tears, tears. I come into your chambers and I dance at your feet Lord, you are my Saviour and I'm at your mercy, all that has been in my life up to now, belongs to you.

It took months and months to resolve anything. I got out of my house, took my son and began to volunteer at a local food and clothing ministry twice a week. This was so good and really got me out of my own head, my own problems. What a blessing to be a blessing. And I made wonderful friends. Then came EEGs, MRIs, and more. Guess what they could find nothing. Nothing! What?! Eventually my numbness, dizziness, etc. lessened and I could function better. But I had lost a lot of weight during this time and was down to around 150. I'd like to say, yes it was me, hahaha. But I was so scared I was going to die that I ate very little. Whew.

In the summer of 2012 we learned of a ministry opportunity for my husband in New Mexico, where we were visiting my family. (I grew up--ages 10 to 21-- in New Mexico). They accepted my husband and we moved in September. Wild animals ate my chickens that I had brought from California. I began eating lots of nuggets (not those kind), you know, those Hersey's chocolates with almonds. And I began gaining weight. In October I started getting heartburn and my hips ached. Feeling suspicious I took a test. Yup, I was pregnant. And proceeded to constantly puke and amazingly gain lots of weight. Well the leadership decided they didn't like me but loved my husband and I was told that if I didn't change they'd have to let him go. Did I mention I was voted Most Friendly in college? All politics, I was talking it up with the wrong people instead of kissing the butts of the right people and I had my own mind. I never caused division, etc. but really didn't want to be on a puppet leadership team which almighty pastor said I HAD to be on. Anyway it really is a long story so I won't.

Husband resigned and we moved back to California. We were back March 1st. My husband easily got his old job back, before we even moved back. However, our tenants had stopped paying rent and would not move out so we lived in hotels for almost five months. Finally, less than a week before my edd of July 19, tenants moved and we moved back in. On July 19th, I gave birth after a less than two hour labor, about an hour after my husband got home from work, at home. Hoorah! Remember hospital 45 minutes away. Husband caught his son and it was amazing. We noticed a problem right away, though. Our son was born with a cleft lip and palate. The ultrasound had not detected it. We didn't have more ultrasounds past twenty weeks because we wanted the baby's sex to be a surprise. So we called the ambulance and they took us to bigger city. They put son in ICU pbblt! for a week. They gave us special feeding bottles. He was not able to suck properly :( This AP mama was sad. But I produced milk like no other and pumped a boatload. All the staff were talking about it, heh. We finally took him home where pumping and crying abounded. We started going to the Children's Hospital in LA every week for his NAM device and he had surgery at three for the lip at three months. He was so skinny. When he was born he was 9lbs 7oz. After a few weeks though he began to put on weight and became a much happier baby. Yay!

So fastforward to present. I have a moody, artistic 11 year old, she's great, a happy, intelligent 2 year old boy, and a happy, plump 6 month old boy. I know I got over 210 during the pregnancy and I am at 207, much too much for my small-framed 5'6. After my previous pregnancy I decided not to concern myself with my weight but to just concentrate on nursing and being healthy. This time, however, I am still up there. I am still pumping away but am ready to lose weight and be healthier. Check out my profile for my inspirations, etc. I am glad to be here doing this with you all and look forward to sharing and encouraging one another. Thanks if you made it through this. Please comment and friend me if you're feelin' it. Y'all take care!

Sorry about errors, don't wanna go back and check, it's too much, hehe.


  • Godsmonty
    Godsmonty Posts: 105 Member
    Wow!! Praise God u made it! I am so glad for u! I am about same, 206-210, and honestly, logging is about as much trying as I muster. I have three children, 6, 2 and 1 yr olds. I intend to do better eating, just haven't yet. I hope to take care of a hip problem and get into regular exercise.