2 Years to lose 60 lbs!!! ????????????



  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    I've lost 10 pounds since Jan 1st. Anything is possible.
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm 56lbs down in about 4 1/2 months. However I had quite a lot more to lose than you seem to, which I'm sure is a big factor. However on ths flip side I've done literally no exercise so I don't see why it couldn't be done in your 6-8 month target.
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    It depends on your individual situation. I have an unmedicated thyroid disorder, so I've been able to lose over 40 pounds and maintain that lose over two years, but as you can see by my ticker I still have quite a ways to go. The time will pass anyway. Spend it being good to your body.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I lost 45 lb. in one year. For about the first 6 months I was losing more than 1 lb. per week. I wasn't being too aggressive, though, especially since I am an endurance cyclist and need to keep up my stamina.d

    At 1.5 lb./week, you could do it in 40 weeks, or about 9 months, though I would suggest slowing down when you get to the last 20 lb. or so. Remember that as you lose weight, you need fewer calories just to maintain, so it gets harder to keep up the same deficit. You can either keep cutting back every time you lose 5 lb., or you could start off with an aggressive 1.5-2 lb./week, which will gradually become a smaller deficit.

    Good luck!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I lost 40 pounds in 4 months. I was very dedicated with logging and I exercised a lot - which isn't required but it definitely helps if you want to lose weight fast.

    I lost an additional 10 pounds over the following 3 months... I intentionally slowed the rate of my weight-loss as I gave some thought to exactly where I wanted to be (I'm still not entirely sure but have it narrowed to a 10-pound range, which I'm currently right in the middle of!)

    Good luck - send me a friend request if you'd like to know how I lost the weight. I'm happy to share and help.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I just started getting serious about my weight loss a couple weeks ago and need to lose about 60 lbs. I've been reading how it's taken some people years to lose the weight?!?! While I understand it won't happen overnight, I was just wanting to know is there anyone out there who has lost in less time? I was realistically giving myself 6-8 months is that a false hope?

    I'm a male.

    I lost my initial 50 lbs in about 5-6 months, stalled and then maintained for over a year, then recommitted to losing and have lost close to a 100 lbs in the last 7.5 months.

    Realize that for people not dealing with medical issues, a lot of "slow losers" are either doing it on purpose, or overeating off and on enough to make their losses really slow. There is no reasonable, non-medical reason that somebody would need 2 whole years to lose 60 lbs.

    Lose it at whatever rate you want to, keeping in mind that losing is not even half the battle. The rest is maintaining what you've lost.

    But do yourself a favor. You'll hear a lot of dieting cliches around here about "slow and steady", "lifestyle changes", and the such, leading to better long term results. This is not true on the whole. The statistics for weight maintenance are abysmal regardless of how fast, or slow, you lose weight; most people gain it back. Be vigilant, but be realistic. You can slip right back into weight gain having lost 60lbs across 2 years just as much as if you'd lost it across 6 months.