Eclectic 5-Day Mix Up Club! All Welcome!



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i've used swimplan before, and it is very cool! but i was using the pool at my college gym - they drained it for repairs, but never fixed it due to no more swimming for a while! the gym i'm at now has no pool...but they have a ton of classes, which i love. today's was step-jump-pump with psycho lady. i was pleased to do so well today - that doesn't always happen! but it was definitely an awesome workout! i'm off to bed - so tired the last couple of days! later!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi buddy! Your workout today sounds great - as did the hiking! BTW, I really enjoy your conversational style - I find myself grinning or laughing at your comments. You make a terrific virtual fitness buddy!

    Ericaroo, you too - I like your humor. Again, could it be the pet thing? I dunno....

    Alrighty - brace yourselves. I had an UNBELIEVABLE showing today. An hour and 13 mins of zumba DVDs - had so much fun getting my groove on that I then was boogying down while doing dishes at lunch. (didn't count that part though). Later in the day I went for a 30 min jog and a 30 min walk, and completed it all with 35 mins of Jillian's Yoga Meltdown.

    I'm super hungry now! :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks! I like my humor, too. :laugh:

    So I've been doing very poorly lately. I haven't worked out since Saturday (I did clean for hours and hours this weekend, though) and my calories are out of control (stupid hormones). I'm hoping to get back in the groove tonight after I finish cleaning the house. I don't think I'll be going back to 10 Pound Slimdown. It just hurts so bad that I don't want to work out the next day. Lower impact is probably better since I'll actually stick with it.

    My name is Erica, and I'm a wimp.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    thanks, smiles! they don't call me the baddest gab in the east for nothing! actually, no one calls me that...i just made that up. but i'm sure my husband would if he ever thought of it!

    you sound like you had a calorie blow out kind of day! how many workouts did you do?! nearly 3 hours worth - that's awesome! i was back on my bosu/pilates day. our instructor had us jumping up and down on top of the ball while twisting our feet back and forth. it. was. insane. i would have done better to just get on the floor and do it, but i was determined that i would succeed! but, that totally didn't happen. i pretty much fell off every other jump, but it was a lot of fun anyways. maybe next time i'll be able to hold my own on that crazy weird apparatus. or maybe not. either way, it's a great workout.

    and pilates was good today too. i finally feel like i'm getting the hang of it and really working hard, so that's a plus. and i might have a lot of belly right now, but i have some kickin' abs underneath! it's really cool, because the instructor will say 'do this' and it's some crazy looking motion that i would have never even tried on my own, but then i give it a go, and i'm doing it just like she is! of course, i don't look as lithe and graceful...but that will come. or not. i don't think losing any amount of weight would make me lithe and graceful, but i suppose it's possible!

    glad you'll be back on the bandwagon, erica. and definitely do the work out that you are more likely to stick with! good luck with it!

    alright peoples. i am off to do something productive. what, you may ask? well, i don't know, but i better find something, or else i'm going to end up on the couch reading twilight for about the eleventh time and eating cheese nips! happy hump day everyone!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey Wimpyroo...:wink: Have you tried Zumba yet? At times, it's ALMOST so much fun that you forget it's exercise! I have two different DVD sets and that statement applies more to to one than the other, but still.....

    And chantriste- Much luck on your quest to be lithe and graceful. Something tells me your insane gym classes will hone your inner bad-*kitten*-warrior-queen..... but the graceful part? Hmmm. Oh wait - I think your pilates must encourage that - so you're golden.

    Just curious - what are some of your (everyone on the thread) goals (fitness related and otherwise?) Is anyone here new to the world of goals?

    I guess since I asked, I ought to share, as well. I'll be back a bit later and will plug in my answer). Happy Hump-Day, peeps!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    LOL, haven't tried Zumba. It looks complicated. I have zero coordination whatsoever and classes like that just leave me tripping over myself. I had some dance dvds at one point that I only used once or twice. I think I'm best sticking with the fake elliptical and pilates.

    Goals: My main goal right now is to get pregnant. I would like to have a solid workout routine in place that I can continue during pregnancy. I'm not trying to lose weight so much as tone and increase my lung capacity. But all of those things are related to wanting to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. But since we've been trying for 9 months with no luck, I'm not holding my breath and I'm just hoping that I'll get in shape and feel good even if I can't have kids.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    good luck with the baby-making. my husband and i haven't tried...i need to be employed before we do, and sometimes we even think we might like it just fine with the two of us. and then we change our mind again. and back again. but, it's kind of a moot point until i get a full time job and some insurance. i figure when that happens, we'll either start trying right away, or be like, 'no way!' we'll figure it out. the idea of adoption actually appeals to me more at this point...but again, until i have some steady income that's a moot point too. but i hope it works out for you, and i'm glad that you are still getting in shape for yourself! main goal right now is a physical and mental overhall of myself. i am unemployed right now, and instead of staying in bed all day being depressed and eating cheese nips (which i actually did end up doing yesterday....oops), i'm trying to consider this time as kind of vacation. i am trying to gain the perspective that when i do get a job (because i will, make no mistake), and all of this free time ends, i'm really going to miss it, so i'm trying to put it to good use. and the number one thing is slowly morphing into a gym rat. and it's working!

    i use my time to work out and learn to cook. i practice my bass (i play in our local symphony), piddle around with writing my book and read. i mean, it really sounds like paradise! but, underlying all of my play time is the fact that i took 4 teaching interviews this summer and didn't end up with a job. i've been certified for about a year and a half, and nothing has opened up for me. yet. and if i think on this too much, i begin to feel sad, anxious and worthless. i have been working with a great family as a nanny since last year - full time in the summer, but only a couple of hours a day during the school year. they have been really good to me, and i adore the kids! so i do have that little bit and the symphony to contribute to our finances, but sometimes it's really easy to fall into a mild depression. so my goal is to kick that **** to the moon and be *happy* that i have so much time for myself, and to use it and enjoy it!

    i actually just applied for a half time third grade position that just opened up this morning, so keep your fingers crossed!

    and i had an awesome workout today with psycho lady. i mean, i really hauled some *kitten* today!

    happy thursday! it's almost the weekend!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks! We need all the luck we can get! I don't know if we'll go the fertility treatment route or not. It's rapidly approaching the time to make that decision. In January, we'll have been trying for a year and they'll want to do all of the testing, etc. I'm sure we'd be happy just the two of us, but that doesn't change the fact that we really want kids. My poor husband has been through so much (he first wife died of cancer) and it would be nice if the universe would just toss him a bone...

    Anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! I know how hard and stressful finding a job can be. It will be worth it all in the long run because you'll have gotten in shape and you'll appreciate the job you find. :smile:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    step class today, and i was happy that our usual instructor was there. i missed her! but today's went so well that i think i'm going to add on powersculpt on one hour before - another psycho lady specialty. i'm really glad to feel so strong and energetic, and to think that i can take on a strength training class and step class back-to-back...even if i am deluding myself! well, we'll find out next friday for sure! i'm still waiting to feel like i can keep all of this up and start c25k again. i'm not there yet, but maybe in another couple of weeks. happy friday everyone!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    You're impressive! I would love to be able to devote that much time to exercise, but I just know that I couldn't keep it up. I think one hour per day is my limit and that's stretching it. It usually means something else will slip, like having a clean house.

    I'm finally going to get back to working out tonight. I found two 45-minute yoga routines on exercisetv that I downloaded and I accidentally downloaded the wrong program last week when I was trying 10 Pound Slimdown. It's a 45-minute walking/strength training routine with Chris Freytag that's gotten rave reviews. So I'll add that in to the mix.

    My plan is something like this:
    M & F: Yoga Cardio Plus
    Tu & Th: cardio intervals on Gazelle
    W & Sun: Yoga Fusion
    Sat: Cardio/Weight Walk

    Though I'm sure I'll end up not doing the Friday workouts more often than not as we often end up with plans. I have determined that low impact exercises are my favorite, especially yoga, tai chi, and pilates. And when I get pregnant, I may trade out the yoga for my prenatal pilates video and tai chi since you have to modify the yoga moves and I'm not sure how to do that.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi guys... I've been kind of a lurker lately... from this spot on the couch. There's even sort of a dent from my bum sitting here for the past 2 days....:laugh:

    Just read the posts and sounds like you're both staying active. Whatever happened to the rest of the posters?

    Erica- have you ever tried tai chi in a group or class form? I've thought about doing it or qi gong - but haven't ever taken the step to sign up...

    Chantriste - You're right- one day all this free time will be gone and you'll miss it! although you'll be sure to love the challenges that work brings your way too.

    I'm sort of on a mental vacation. I go on an actual vacation starting Friday (Oct 1) and I'm already a bit checked out. Maybe I'll do something active today. Maybe?!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I haven't done a class. I think the closest one is about 45-60 minutes away, so not really something I would stay on top of since I don't like to be in my car that much. LOL I did do yoga yesterday. Very sore today after holding my body up with my arms. My shoulders are soooo weak. I need to do my cardio, but I think I need to clean upstairs more. It's pretty bad. My husband isn't feeling well today, so my exercise TV/room is out of commission anyway.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hey, ya'll! it's late. only 10pm, but i feel exhausted - went on a 5 mile hike today with my husband! not quite as strenuous as the short trail, but twice the distance - i feel like i did pretty good! and then we went to go see a laser light show to pink floyd's dark side of the moon. i think the lightshow was extra effective because we were both so tired when we saw it! very cool. then we finally ate dinner - and now i'm home, logged my crap, taking a shower and going TO BED! so yay. have to add - the trail we went on was very cool because aside from us, we only saw one family of three coming down the trail - the usual one we take is pretty crowded, so it was pretty cool to hike 3 miles into the woods and never see or hear anyone! new experience for me. also, very cool. now - nighty nite!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hellllOOOoooo?! yooooo-hooooo! where did everybody go?! ya'll better get your butts in gear!

    turbo kick today. rocking it out with the jabs, punches and kicks. i can definitely feel myself getting into the groove of it. i'm taking fewer breaks, but it's still pretty tough. on the other hand, afterwards, i don't feel nearly as tired as i used to. i'm actually thinking about trying to start up c25k today. or not. i can't decide! anyhoo, hope everything is well for everyone...sweat some today!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Sorry, I was at a conference for work today with no Internet! I'm not sure how I'm going to survive two more days. It would be one thing if I were participating, but I'm just there to man the registration booth.

    I did Chris Freytag's 45 minute Walking Cardio Shape Up and I am SOOOOO sore today. I think I may just count the several trips I made to and from my car and carrying items to count for my workout today. I'll probably stretch, but I don't think I can do anything else.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    uuuggggghhhhh! my sympathies go out to you! i hate that kind of conference situation! yuck! do you have any good books on hand? maybe that would help you through. i've never heard of chris freytag before. is it good stuff? it must be if it got you achey in 45 minutes! i'll have to check that out. hope your conference days go by quick and fun there, for sure!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I doubt it would compare to your insane step instructor. lol I'm just wimpy and still sore! But I don't often do squats and lunges so those muscles are weak. I'm staying occupied with phone Internet and knitting but I am so ready for Thursday. I'll probably do some cardio tonight to work out the kinks. Too much catered food!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    you should give those squats and lunges a try! i used to be perfectly awful at them, and now i am just semi-awful. even if you just do 5 or 10 squats a day and gradually move up, you'll notice a difference. you'll get stronger, and it will be easier to do other types of workouts! lunges are evil. good luck with them! well, hopefully your are done with day 2 of your conference...the worst is over! good luck tomorrow and happy cardio this evening! also, i totally need to learn how to knit! i think you've just inspired me! :flowerforyou:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Oh there's lots of squats and lunges in that program and in the yoga videos I downloaded. The Gazelle I use for cardio also works those muscles... or at least I'm sore again today. lol I finally have Internet again. We moved to a different building for Day 3. I'm so excited, though I actually have work I can do today, of course. 5 hours to go and then back to my regular schedule. I can't wait!!

    Knitting: go to There are some really helpful videos there. I tried to learn from a book, but I'm a visual learner and need someone to demonstrate it. I had downloaded Knitting for Dummies from Amazon and it had video for the Kindle app, but even their videos weren't as good as the free ones on that site.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Does anyone have any good stretches for tight hamstrings and hip flexors? Also, any recommendations for dealing with knee pain? I really ought to visit the chiropractor, but if I go, she'll just make me come back three times a week for a few weeks and that's pricey.