New here and having problems getting started



  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
    Pizza and I are no longer dating! =} That is my favorite food I could eat it everynight! But I broke it off slowly~At first I made homemade pizza with wheat crust,2% cheese and mini pepperoni or turkey pepperoni.Now with vegs and chicken.Still really good.Because if you say no your just going to want it more.Good luck you can do it!
  • mshantia
    mshantia Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, my name is Misty and I am new to my fitness pal. I am excited about joining and I am ready to lose weight. I am really inspired and I want to do it this time. I am tired of being overweight and want a change.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Yesterday was a better day i was dealing with a head cold but today i am so pumped and i am going to do this and i am hitting the water cooler and fill up my cup. I am so going to change my dinner for tonight we usally do pizza on thursday night. I am going to plaly with the food diary.

    I try to figure out what I am going to eat for lunch before I leave the office for lunch that way I make sure to stick to what I put in the food diary. I literally just spent 15 minutes typing in different things till I found something I wanted to eat (happens to be the same as yesterday) and will put me to my calorie goals for today including my exercise I will be doing tonight. It becomes fun actually LOL
  • labrat26
    labrat26 Posts: 60 Member
    I have been on this site for approx one month, and the support is have come to the right place to get your butt kicked into action.
    I journal everything I put into my mouth, and exercise is the BEST thing for depression. It is hard to be sad when you are physically exerting yourself. Plus the exercise helps with the seratonin levels too, and best of all, it burns win situation.
    Good luck on your journey, you will do just fine.