Diet & Exercise

I am very frustrated! I got on the scale today and I am up 1lb. I know it's only one lb, but for me that is huge. I just started a couple of weeks ago really ready to make a change. I have been tracking my food and exercising most day's of the week. So how do you go up instead of down at the beginning of your journey. I would like to know if anyone has any ideas or suggestions that may help me along in my journey!


  • jodster1991
    1lb is nothing, within the same day my weight changes more than that due to water/eating. Also if you've been exercising more, you're gaining muscle which is heavier than fat. Hang in there, keep eating healthy and exercising and focus more on how you're feeling rather than the number on the scale :)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Did you start a new exercise routine lately? It might be comforting to know that it's not uncommon to see a stall or even a slight gain on the scale after starting a new exercise routine or increasing an old one. Our bodies flood sore muscles with extra fluid to help cushion and repair them, masking any fat loss that's happening. The good new is that it will go away in a couple of weeks as your body gets used to your routine.

    Weight loss isn't linear. You are going to have up weeks and down weeks even when you're doing everything right. Double check that you are logging accurately and consistently. Double check that your calorie goal is appropriate. And learn to find other ways to measure your progress as you go (tape measure, how your clothes fit, photos, fitness goals, etc).
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    So how do you go up instead of down at the beginning of your journey.

    Fluid retention from increasing exercise.. increased sodium or carbs.. constipation.. lots of reasons. Ignore short-term differences on the scale.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1lb is nothing, within the same day my weight changes more than that due to water/eating. Also if you've been exercising more, you're gaining muscle which is heavier than fat. Hang in there, keep eating healthy and exercising and focus more on how you're feeling rather than the number on the scale :)

    It's difficult to gain any appreciable amount of muscle while eating in a deficit, and certainly not enough to offset the losses the OP should be seeing.