Bodymedia Armband



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I will likely be returning this BodyMedia Link tomorrow ... I've only had it 3-4 days but I can't get it to read my calories burned even close to where it should be. Right now it's usually reading about 40% of the calories burned versus simple heart rate calculations. For example, I'm 46, weigh 160 and over the 6 treadmill workouts my average heart rate was 135 for 90 minutes that's over 1100 calories .. this device is showing about 400 calories burned and that's after I purposely added several inches to my height profile to help compensate .... tell me where this is remotely correct? I have used several calorie counters this is just one I used.

    Do you think you burned 1100 calories in 90 minutes on the treadmill? Because if so, that sounds WAY too high to me. In 90 minutes I might burn, at most, 500 calories, but I'm usually in the 400 range.

    The BMF learns about you as time goes on, so you should give it more time before you give up.
    It sounds high to me, too. I'm near your age and weight (though female) and at that HR, I think I'd burn maybe 600 calories in 90 minutes, and then 90 of those would be BMR, so net 500ish for the exercise alone. If anything is giving you well over 100 calories a mile or 10 calories a minute, I'd be suspect. (That does not apply to obese people, btw.)

    I had a BMF 5 years ago and switched to Fitbit. It suits me better, with no monthly fee, bluetooth, display and mainly being discreet.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I guess its just me...I had it for a while but didn't like it at the end...

    It did give me pretty close reading to the result of online with it or without it in my case it didn't make much difference since I am pretty consistent with what I eat and do everyday...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    my core armband couldn't read my running very accurately, like 30% highter inaccurate comparing to my Polar FT60...and I take bus everyday, which have messed up the reading too.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I had a body media fit for several years and loved it. Found it very accurate in terms of my daily calorie burns but not for spin class (even if I wore the band on my calf). I would remove it and manually enter the activity into the body media activity manager. I used MFP for my food diary and still entered my exercises based on my HRM and the to would sync up when I plugged in the body media to the computer.

    I got a fitbit for my birthday last month because I wanted to be able to sync on the go vs being tied to the computer and I was sick of wearing the arm band ( and boy was my husband tired of looking at it!). I like how discreet the fitbit is but I don't think it's as accurate in terms of my overall calorie expenditure. Additionally, when I enter my exercise calories from my HRM (less my bmr) the fitbit still wants to reduce my calories by a lot! I'm basically using it as a glorified pedometer now and even ats not too accurate as I I'll get up in the morning and it will show I have a LOT of steps while sleeping. And no, I don't sleep walk!

    I think the body media is the most accurate of the activity trackers out there but it's not the most discreet and you do have to pay the subscription.