Help with some questions

stv1520 Posts: 199 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I've really enjoyed this site and have succeeded so far-losing 10 lbs. The caloric counter and healthy eating has helped tremendously. But I've been also hitting the gym 5 days a week, and playing a lot of hockey. My questions are these--I've recently been working out pretty hard, doing a full body circuit routine designed to burn fat. But lately I've had a voracious appetite! I'm always hungry! I've been drinking lotsa water, and I'm eating a lot of healthy snacks trying to supress this hunger. So--is this NORMAL?? Am I doing the right thing by eating this much? Second question is--I noticed on my last weight log in that I lost 3 more pounds. But- My calorie intake went up on the site. Is that correct? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!


  • When you exercise it adds the calories you burned to the food calories you are allowed so if you exercise you get to eat more. Makes sense because like you said your body will require more food when you are working it hard. Keep up the good work!
  • Sounds normal to me! I experienced the same thing.
    You're doing a wicked job!!!
    What kind of circuit training are you doing? I'm interested :-)
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    As soon as you add, or increase, the amount of weight training exercise it REALLY increases your appetite. You are totally normal! You just may need to eat back some of those exercise calories as your body obviously wants them. It may level off after a while.
  • I've been working out for a few months now and I'm TOTALLY hungry all the time. The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn even at rest, so it makes sense that you are hungrier.
  • stv1520
    stv1520 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks for all your replies. I have an Iphone and got an app for it called I fitness. I'm doing a "fat burning" circuit training routine.
    It goes like this-
    5 minutes on an eliptical trainer set at "fat burn" mode.
    Then, the following exercises at 10-12 reps each, with little or no rest in between.
    Dumbell squats
    Lat pull downs
    one leg calf raises
    bench press
    leg press
    crunches on a swiss ball
    shoulder press with dumbells or barbell (seated)
    Then you hit the eliptical for another 5 mins
    Do 2-3 sets of this and you're done. Feels great after!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    it's pretty normal. when I do my hardcore training 3 times a week I'm famished every day, even days where I go with lighter exercise. It's your body crying out for the extra juice it needs to do those hard routines. Bonus, you won't even gain from it, you're actually helping yourself by eating extra, fueling muscle, making you stronger, adding extra lean tissue to your frame, which obliterates fat! All good things.
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