Woman Problems, Moodiness, and Workouts

So,allow me to give you more information then your probably want to hear about another woman's period.

I am one of those lucky women who don't really cramp. I get a mild discomfort. A 3 on a scale from 1 - 10 that I can just ignore without taking meds.

However. I more then make that up with an extreme temper you would not believe. I have zero patience. I am likely to throw a jar across the room if I can't open it on the third try kind of extreme.

And that has kicked in today, but luckily I have been avoiding any major blow ups barely. But right now I need to work out. started, then stopped. I'm not tired, or sore, I just have this strong overwhelming distaste to work out right now. I normally enjoy it once I start. But not this time.

I started, tried to push myself to take it seriously, and had the biggest F%^& this attitude ever.

I know I'm behaving like a 3 year old toddler with this, but I can't help it when this time of the month happens. I have been like this since they started. I'm a super volcano.

Does this happen to any other women? What do you do?

I normally give 100% in the workout. Today, I gave it like 25% while cursing at myself in my head to grow up while the other part of me argued back.

Also, despite my sports bra, my breasts hurt!


  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I can get very moody because of hormones, though exercise has helped quite a bit.

    A couple of months ago I felt like that. I was doing a dance aerobics class (Les Mills BodyJam) and the instructor was doing a routine that I really wasn't familiar with and I didn't have the patience for it and didn't feel like thinking. I got so fed up with trying to follow along I actually up and left the class, right in the middle of class! Instead I finished the rest of the time on the elliptical.

    As I said, getting some exercise in does help me with moods and cramps -- but sometimes it's best when it's just something that doesn't require a lot of thought!

    And yes of course sometimes there's always those "f**k it" days where I don't go at all.
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    I can get very moody because of hormones, though exercise has helped quite a bit.

    A couple of months ago I felt like that. I was doing a dance aerobics class (Les Mills BodyJam) and the instructor was doing a routine that I really wasn't familiar with and I didn't have the patience for it and didn't feel like thinking. I got so fed up with trying to follow along I actually up and left the class, right in the middle of class! Instead I finished the rest of the time on the elliptical.

    As I said, getting some exercise in does help me with moods and cramps -- but sometimes it's best when it's just something that doesn't require a lot of thought!

    And yes of course sometimes there's always those "f**k it" days where I don't go at all.

    I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one! Hopefully the more I exercise the better it'll get.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    And then there have been times when, thanks to hormones, I'd be working out but pondering the meaning of life and near tears for no reason at all. :sad: :bigsmile:

    Anyway yeah you aren't the only one, I hope it does get better for you!
  • waxwingdesign
    waxwingdesign Posts: 17 Member
    YES, I do get like that. And I struggle with wanting to let myself have a break because my body is doing it's thing and wanting to stay in control and do what I want. I find I like to do weights vs. cardio when I feel hormonally charged like that, it seems to tire me out more if I really push. AND I will give myself an extra treat for enduring my own company when it's that bad. Something nice, whatever, a pedicure or a massage. Hang in there, I know it sucks. Also, have you been able to track what foods you eat and how they effect your TOM? I am mostly veggie now, but back when I ate more meat I found my moods were much worse. I think the hormones, etc in meat make it worse, but I could be wrong. Also, dairy made it worse. Since I've cut waaaay back on it and only eat "organic" sources of dairy these days, it's calmed quite a bit. Best of luck to you!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Some women are prescribed prozac to be taken only during that time of the month. I hear that it is very effective. I hate hormonal moodiness - it is the worst! :angry:
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Yes you are not the only one. As its only for a couple of days in a month I find it easier to just go for a walk instead. This relaxes me a lot more and I also don't feel disappointed in myself for doing a half arsed workout.
  • celticempress
    Don't feel bad hun. That's normal. I had a baby about 2 months ago, and things are starting to kick on for me too, and I cannot get on the elliptical to save my life right now even though last week I was doing fine. It's just pain. There are lots of spots that are effected in your body that may not register as normal pain. Drink a bit more water, maybe look into Dung Quai which is an herb that helps start things naturally, and relax. That's about all you can do. Be aware you have a bad temper and the next time you get ready to explode, breathe and count to 10. It sounds corny, but I mentally tell myself to be aware of things and to just think before I speak when I'm this bad.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I used to be the same and I got a lot worse during the menopause, how my loved ones survived my temper tantrums and tears I will never know.

    Recognising the signs and triggers are key to help you to avoid situations that might exacerbate the problem.

    Try and keep things simple around that time if possible.

    Try out some supplements designed to combat pre menstrual tension they really can help if you find the right one. For me it was evening primrose oil. When I hit the menopause I found Menopace really levelled out my mood swings. Or you could pay a visit to your doctor and see If there are any prescriptions that might help you.

    Relaxation exercises can help as well.

    It is awful to feel out of control of your moods and difficult for other people to cope with you when you are in that state so I do feel for you. But you are not alone and there are things that can help.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Heheheh. Not funny. Yeah.

    I've got 3 days before marked on my phone calendar, so it alerts me. To remind me:
    -- not to behead anyone, no matter how desperately they need it - they get a 72-hr reprieve, is what I tell myself.
    -- not to see movies that will make me cry & embarrass myself. Horrible offspring didn't warn me about "Up."
    -- to do my workouts as an exercise in showing up, if necessary. This Tuesday's sprints were just lame and slow. But I did 'em, b/c I'd feel crappier if I bailed. Estrogen-amplified "failure" self-talk is an ugly, ugly thing.

    Also, I confess to taking Nature's Way PMS - figured a placebo effect is perfectly acceptable in this case. Turns out (when I tried a different formula), there's a tiny bit of 5-HTP in there that seems to really take the edge off for me. So for those 3 days? Yup.

    Once Aunti Flo arrives, the world is a better, shinier place...but I totally see where YMMV. DD has her dreadful days during...

    Estrogen poisoning sucks. I mean, no regrets about being female, but I seriously hate having my emotions jerked around by my ovaries. :angry:
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    I have these days even when my friend isn't here to visit :blushing: :laugh: