Supposedly eating breakfast early makes you less hungry??? u

hello again everyone... so i tried something new this morning that i always read about. Eating breakfast within an hour of waking up and how it supposedly will make you feel fuller and eat less all day. WELL. i ate breakfast at about 7 am this morning - i woke up at 6. i normally ate breakfast around 9:30 (after not feeling that hungry and wakiing up at 6). So i'm frustrated and confused.... and im starving! its like i have eaten nothing at all today! but i ate yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, w/ some flakes of dry oatmeal, raisins and flax like i always do ..but i ate it immeduiately AFTER i worked out. is that why? did my body just burn up all the food instead of my fat leaving me hungry now? that's not exactly what i was going for!!!!!

any insight or suggestions?

im at a plateau and i'm just trying to get things moving!


  • iDreamNEON
    Try eating more protein with your breakfast. I usually eat an omelet or protein shake since I'm not very big on cooking. Also it's suggested to eat within the first 30 minutes of waking up and then continue to eat small meals every 3 hours.
  • yes protien keeps you fuller longer :) Also I try to eat 5 meals a day, just small ones. So eat at 7am then have a snack at 10am.
  • mindymoe1
    i find,for me that the later i eat breakfast the longer i stay full. i cant eat too early bc it makes me sick. i usually exercise than eat breakfast an hour later. that is just what works for me though. i would try maybe an egg or egg beater one morning. the protein fills me up all morning and into the afternoon. if that doesnt work that early then i would listen to your body and eat when you are hungry and not one hour after waking. i hope it helped just a little bit lol good luck
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Can't take a peek at your diary so I'm not sure if what you're eating is enough. You have to remember that your body has not eaten overnight and whatever you eat in the morning will be absorbed very quickly.

    If you can workout on an empty stomach when you wake up - this will get your metabolism going. You can eat 1hr after your workout - but make sure you eat protein and good carbs. EX: 3egg whites with one full egg, 1 slice of ezeikle bread and 1/3 cup of organic oatmeal or 1 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean Cereal with 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 2 boiled eggs. I eat either of these after I get up at 530am, run/lift weights, take shower, then have breakfast (around 730 or 8am) then I am full until my next meal (2.5 - 3hrs later)... And continue with small meals and snack every 2-3 hours for a total of 6 meals/snacks per day.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Eating breakfast within the hour after you wake up will boost your metabalism. That's possibley why you are hungry right now because your body with working more efficiently at digesting the food and burning calories. Make sure you eat protein at every meal to help keep you fuller longer. :flowerforyou:
    hello again everyone... so i tried something new this morning that i always read about. Eating breakfast within an hour of waking up and how it supposedly will make you feel fuller and eat less all day. WELL. i ate breakfast at about 7 am this morning - i woke up at 6. i normally ate breakfast around 9:30 (after not feeling that hungry and wakiing up at 6). So i'm frustrated and confused.... and im starving! its like i have eaten nothing at all today! but i ate yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, w/ some flakes of dry oatmeal, raisins and flax like i always do ..but i ate it immeduiately AFTER i worked out. is that why? did my body just burn up all the food instead of my fat leaving me hungry now? that's not exactly what i was going for!!!!!

    any insight or suggestions?

    im at a plateau and i'm just trying to get things moving!
  • smilingslatka
    I usually have my breakfast within an hour of waking up (around 7 am) and I am always very ready for my lunch at 11.30-12.00! Then I am hungry again around 3 pm, so I have some snacks. I have my dinner at 6-7 pm and another snack with a cup of coffee around 9 pm. It seams to be working for me well.
  • threeupthreedown
    I hear you LOUD and clear.
    The same thing happens to me.
    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    My breakfasts are usually huge and really fills me up that some days I even miss lunch, or is a struggle to eat lunch.
    for instance: 2 hard boiled eggs with 1 sausage patty and about 200 g of fruit

    On my workout mornings - I won't fill up too much on fruit, and save for it after my workout when my body can better deal with the insulin spike.
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    THANK YOU all very very much for your suggestions and support...

    Guess I'll be having eggs for breakfast tomorrow :)
  • penniemariem
    no its the opposite ! it gets ure metabolism a good boost for the day but u will be more hungry than usual but its healthier to eat like 6 small meals a day than 3 huge ones dont worry about how often ure hunrgy just how much ure eating in one setting and dont eat fried **** or eat out at all !
  • teckwolf
    First of all, I've heard that eating breakfast in the morning is extremely important because otherwise your body goes into starvation mode (probably because you haven't eaten all night either) and starts retaining fat from the food you eat later in the day, rather than using the fat and energy you already have and would get at breakfast. So skipping breakfast can cause you to gain weight actually.

    I've never been much of a breakfast eater, for the last few years I barely ever ate breakfast, but recently I've started eating something, anything really, for breakfast and I've found it making a huge difference in the way I eat for the rest of my day. If I eat even a small breakfast, I find myself being hungry again within a couple hours. However, it's not the same kind of hunger I used to get where I would just gorge myself at lunch. Now when I get hungry around lunchtime I'm able to eat maybe half a simple sandwich and an apple and I'm full. Plus I just feel like I have more energy all day, as opposed to when I skip breakfast.
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    thanks for your response.... i usually eat breakfast too....but not within the hour of waking up like it said to do.. i was eating 3 hours after waking up. I though if i ate within the hour it would make me eat less all day. if i didnt eat any breakfast at all then i'd also eat everything in sight!

    So i wonder if the timing really matters at all, or if it just eat some sort of breakfast (hopefully protein filled) at some "morning" hour?