Starting my fitness journey... how do goals change?

So, I realize that fitness is not something you "get to" and then you're done. It's not a number, or a weight, or whatever.

But how do you continue to evolve your goals as your body continues to change?

For instance:
I started running a week ago (first time EVER) and am up to about 1.5-2miles at a time. How often should I increase my runs by half a mile?
I want to start a weights program, but don't know where to start. Should I stick with just increasing the weight/reps every other week or so?


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    As far as the running goes, a half mile to each of your runs every other week. Listen to your body. If it feels good, stay disciplined and continue to build gradually. Take rest days. Stretch, roll, and do stability/agility exercises.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    My fitness goals will change as current exercises become easier. Once your current running distance and weights become fairly easy for you, then you should challenge yourself more.
  • As a beginning weight lifter your focus should be on mastering technique. Proper form and using the whole rom (range of motion) will be a challenge at the start. Don't focus on getting stronger but on mastering the excercises.

    After a while you will see your strength increase and then you can add weight as you see fit. Remember that growing muscle mass when cutting calories will be very slow.. But you will get more toned :)

    Watch some videos of scooby1961 on youtube. He explains weight lifting to beginners in a very good way :)
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    What sort of equipment to do you have to work with? If you're going to be in a gym, a 5x5 program is a great place to start (or stick with long term-- they definitely grow with you).

    Check out Stronglifts 5x5 for the basic workouts (there are only 2-- very simple), and the instruction videos will help you get your form together. You might also pick up a book called Starting Strength. It's got just about everything you'd want to know in there.

    If you're going to be working out at home and have no weights, you might check out You Are Your Own Gym or Convict Conditioning. You can do a lot with bodyweight, especially when you're starting out.

    If you're somewhere in between... maybe have a set of dumbells and nothing else... I'd recommend Scooby's site.

    He's got tons of information there, and you can even generate a sample workout routine that's defined by the equipment you have available to you.
  • What sort of equipment to do you have to work with? If you're going to be in a gym, a 5x5 program is a great place to start (or stick with long term-- they definitely grow with you).

    Check out Stronglifts 5x5 for the basic workouts (there are only 2-- very simple), and the instruction videos will help you get your form together. You might also pick up a book called Starting Strength. It's got just about everything you'd want to know in there.

    If you're going to be working out at home and have no weights, you might check out You Are Your Own Gym or Convict Conditioning. You can do a lot with bodyweight, especially when you're starting out.

    If you're somewhere in between... maybe have a set of dumbells and nothing else... I'd recommend Scooby's site.

    He's got tons of information there, and you can even generate a sample workout routine that's defined by the equipment you have available to you.

    great advice. I'm doing SS as well :) great starting point. just don't take the nutrition advice from that book, it's for people who want to be powerlifters... scooby has also done a review of this book and recommends it :)