Here I go again. Again. I let myself be slack over the holidays. Then I threw out my back and couldn't exercise...and fell into a monster funk. Doesn't help that it is winter - cold, dark and I'm alone. My husband works away. Instead of really focusing on my eating, I'm burrowing. I come home alone to an empty house. Fix something quick for dinner, then plunk myself in front of the tv. I am able to start swimming; which is more gentle on my back...but of course I haven't been able to motivate myself to go.

More than that, I've been chowing down on the comfort food - and, get this, i've even been justifying it myself. It's like I've never learned a thing. Like I don't know what portion control is. Like I don't know how many calories are in the copious amounts of comfort food.

I was an athlete. So I do have it in me. Healthy and fit. Maybe if I say it enough times - healthy and fit, healthy and fit, healthy and fit - it will sink in and I can motivate myself.

Anyone else have back issues and motivation issues? How do you regroup?


  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    It is understandable that you would want to seek comfort, especially in the winter. Instead of beating yourself up for being "bad" I suggest being compassionate to yourself. Being self-compassionate helps you move beyond self-loathing.

    I would ask yourself if eating and watching tv does what you want it to do - make you feel better, happier, more content. I would also think back to when you were an athlete. Did exercise make you feel good, energized, happier? Did it help you feel strong?

    Finally, I would suggest focusing on doing taking one small step to being more active. So instead of berating yourself and feeling like you need to work out for an hour each day and harshly restrict your calories and cut out your favorite foods, take small steps instead. Maybe one day you walk at the gym for 30 minutes and congratulate yourself for doing something. Then another day maybe you decide to develop a ritual when you get home that is comforting and soothing - making a special tea, or running a hot bath, or reading a trashy book.

    It is human to want comfort. When you discover that things other than food can give you that, it might be easier to seek something else.

  • Spacegirlley
    Spacegirlley Posts: 80 Member
    I have serious back issues and motivation issues as well. It can be very tough to get yourself moving sometimes and away from the chocolate cake. Before my accident that caused the back issues, I was a abseiling and rock climbing instructor. I loved being fit and healthy, so full of energy all the time. I miss that....

    I find what helps get me out of the funk stages is to remind myself that my back feels better and hurts less with less weight. The more I move and lose the more I'll be able to get out there again. Swimming is an awesome exercise to do for your back, and can be fun too!

    Another way to distract myself from eating comfort food, is to cook. I sit there and try to work out delicious ways to make healthy meals and quick snacks that fit into my calorie allowance. I now have a spreadsheet of different meals and snacks along with their calorie info for quick reference, great for meal planning. I usually find by thinking of new things to cook, I am so focused on trying to work out great stuff to make, I then don't have time to chow down on the comfort food. If I do, I then feel guilty and try to do better the next day.

    Just take each day as it comes, and try to do things that make you happy or can distract you from eating for the sake of eating.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't have back issues, but I went through a situation at the end of 2012 through early 2013 that resulted in me needing brain surgery. I couldn't exercise for 9 months, but I had worked so hard to lose the 50 pounds I had lost prior to becoming symptomatic that I fought hard to stick to my maintenance calorie goals with no exercise. I did not want a do-over AT ALL. I am sorry about the back injury, but if I can come back from being nearly dead, you can come back from this :)
  • Anyone else have back issues and motivation issues? How do you regroup?

    Yes, yes, yes. Right now I'm just logging everything and trying to eat at home. Eventually want to cook more, I used to like cooking but now that it is just my husband and myself, I lost motivation to cook. Loved having all the kids and their friends over every night eating my food! Started eating out a lot, a lot of fast food. Compounded with back and health issues I got lazy! I recognize it for what it is and make no excuses. I know their I things I can do, I just don't. Every day, I tell myself, Debbie, you need to do some light sit UPS, or go for a walk or ride your bike. Instead I go back to jerry Springer, or my book. I managed to lose weight over the last year, I just got my husband using MFP and he has lost 30 labs and has been working out at least 4 times a week. I'm going to get in their, the gym room, soon. It is in the next room, I don't have to go anywhere. I've lost the weight, now I have to get healthy and active. If you figure a way out of the funk, let me in on it. I totally empathize with you.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
  • bjohnson0713
    bjohnson0713 Posts: 5 Member
    My husband works out of town as well. Its hard coming to an empty home and eating a single meal and being satisfied. You don't have anyone to enjoy the cooking, cleaning, or eating with. When I am home, all I want to do is snack and snack. It is very difficult to motivate myself to cook healthy meals when fast food is so much easier, especially for one person! I also am finishing up nursing school, which takes a ton of my time, making fast food even more appealing. I would suggest making small but significant changes. Stop eating out, or make a conscious decision to eat more fruits and veggies. Drink more water. Heck I even drink those V8 Fusions (that have 1 serving of fruit and vegetables) just to get my fruit and veggie intake that much higher. I recently got bronchitis so I am having to take it easy on the exercise, but even just some light walking at a slow pace makes me feel better. You have to make the decisions and stick with them, don't try to change everything at once. Life will get in the way, but there is always a way around your obstacles. I hope you find something that works out!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member

    Damn you, I was gonna post that. Love that song
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member

    Hahaha :laugh:
  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    thanks guys, I've had some really good advice...and some really good people come out of the woodwork to add as friends in this journey! So, here I go again. Again. ;)