always hungry, new motivation

hey everyone, i'm back on this weight loss journey again. I lost 60lbs two years ago and have gained about 70 back. i just bought a treadmill and i'm briskly walking for 30 minutes a day, burning about 200 calories. (there isha not a weight plug in, just calorie burn on the treadmill)

i also am allowed 1870 calories a day and i'm doing it, but i see other people eating 1200-1600 and i'm thinking...omg i'm so hungry already, i wouldn't be able to do this!

i need some extreme motivation, i love food and it makes me happy. i am honestly thinking about what i'm going to eat next meal after each meal when i am's so hard. then i'm worried i won't lose the weight...but i'm following the plan...i'm just impatient and scared.

i just want to get my life back.

any advice, tips or anything would be appreciated!



  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm the SAME exact way! When I'm eating lunch with friends, I talk about what I should have for dinner or which restaurant to eat at next. I've also lost weight and gained it all back and then some so I know how you feel. You're not alone in having a hard time keeping weight off. If it were easy, things like Weight Watchers and MFP wouldn't exist!

    MFP only gives you a suggestion of how many calories you should eat but everyone has a different "comfort zone". To lose 1 pound a week, I was given 1350/day but I always felt like I was starving, so now I'm at 1500/day. Find your comfort zone that still allows you to lose weight, obviously.

    On that note, 1870 sounds like plenty (but I don't know your height and weight). Maybe try to eat more nutrient rich and more filling foods that don't use up as many calories and will keep you full. A whole apple is like 90 calories and will keep you more full than say 8 cashews for the same amount of calories.

    Feel free to add me if you need some motivation. Good luck!
  • Thanks! I am 5'10 and I started at 252 but i'm 240 right now. I'm really proportionate because I'm tall. And I'm active...I just don't know why I'm so heavy! It's just annoying lol.

    We should definitely be friends! Motivation is always helpful! :)