33 lbs off, but no size down?

Ashykins Posts: 233
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,

I've had a lot of questions lately...

Has anyone had to lose more then 20lbs to go down a size. I've lost 33 so far and my jeans are still kinda not LOOSE, some of my jeans are loose around my thighs but that's it? I wanna say it's really a downer b/c nothing is falling off...

(On the positive side, this gives me time to save money when they finally decide they are too big lol)


  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    You will start toning eventually and that's when you are going to see the clothes become to big. Keep track of your measurements too (that helps). Also if you were anything like me, I was wearing a lot of too small of clothes to begin with so once I dropped 20lbs I fit into my clothes that size like I should have.
  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    Are they the exact same jeans. All jeans have variations in sizing -- even if they are labeled the same size. Regardless of this fact I have had a similar problem. The jeans/pants that I wore over 30 pounds ago still "fit" and are not falling off. I think it may just really depend on where the weigh loss is coming from -- ie -- thighs, butt, stomach, arms, chest....etc.
    Hang in ther e-- the important part is that you are dropping the pounds!!! Keep it up.
  • atombud
    atombud Posts: 38 Member
    I went thru that also, was at around the 40 pound lost before I went from a 38 to 36 in men's size. Now at 51 pounds lost and the 36 fit a little loose but still have a way to go to get to the 34. Hang in there and don't be discouraged the inches will eventually drop.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Couple of things:

    1. Did your jeans really "fit" to begin with? I know a lot of us (myself included) wore clothing that was actually too small for a long time.

    2. There was a post on this just recently, and the general concensus was that everyone carries weight differently and some of us carry it very evenly....thus you can lose a lot of weight before you see the inches come off towards a new size.

    You are doing everything right! Be patient...once the inches come off your wardrobe won't be able to keep up!
  • just like KK_stephens said, it all just depends on where the weight's coming off of. it's taken me forever to finally get into smaller pairs of jeans, but i've taken off all my weight from my top half first, and now that i can't lose any more weight up top, it's starting to come off my bottom half! just keep at it and you'll eventually start fitting into smaller pants!
  • 2 years ago I lost 40lbs doing WW and Curves ... I did not go down a size but looked overall better and healthier. Keep up the great work!!!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    It all depends where your weight loss is coming from...thats why inch measurement is great. I lost from both ends (head and feet) and then moved towards my middle, so it was a while before I saw differences in pants. Shirts were much faster and even shoes! LOL
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Everyone loses weight differently and you don't always lose weight from all the same area. You've probably lost a little in your thighs, a little in your belly, some from your arms and face, etc. which means your jeans won't be loose yet 'cause you need to lose in your waist, hips, butt, and thighs to drop a full jean size. I haven't technically dropped a jean size yet and I've lost 22 lbs. I've lost a full size and about a half in tops and I've lost two dress sizes since starting... just because of HOW and where I've lost my weight. You should even out, just give it time.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Couple of things:

    1. Did your jeans really "fit" to begin with? I know a lot of us (myself included) wore clothing that was actually too small for a long time.

    2. There was a post on this just recently, and the general concensus was that everyone carries weight differently and some of us carry it very evenly....thus you can lose a lot of weight before you see the inches come off towards a new size.

    You are doing everything right! Be patient...once the inches come off your wardrobe won't be able to keep up!

    Yep - I fit into #1 (the rip in my stretch jeans along the elastic proves that I probably shouldn't have been wearing them). I sewed them up and they actually "fit" now.

    I'm down 40 and some of my clothes (not so much my jeans, more my dress pants with the little elastic) will proabably last me some more time yet. I know that I'm losing and things are fitting much better now.
  • I'm gonna have to agree with some previous posters. It took me FOREVER to go down a size. This is for two reasons I can pinpoint:

    1) I was not actually supposed to be squeezing my butt into the size I had been. Seriously - it didn't fit. Who was I kidding? So in reality, I had to go down TWO sizes in order to warrant new clothes.

    2) I lost from literally EVERYWHERE before my waist. I lost from my thighs, my butt, my shoulders, arm, neck, etc, etc, etc. Everything was ridiculously baggy on my everywhere but in my waist! So my clothes looked crazy. It looked (as my husband put it) as though some extra a$$es had escaped from my pants. But at the same time I could not go down a size without muffin toppage. My mom loses the same way - this may be genetic.

    I'm thinking it took me somewhere between 30-40 lbs to go down into smaller clothes. But if it makes you feel any better, since then I've gone down another two sizes. If you lose like I do, from everywhere else first, closer to the end of the journey it's got nowhere else to come from!
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    I wondered the same thing at first, but then as I assessed it, I realized that my muscle mass has grown (hence the snug, non-loose thighs of my jeans). I also realized how much fat I had stuffed into some of my clothing. I was the mistress of "sucking it in." While the jeans are still a size 10, I think I look way better in them and am not a muffin top anymore. I would love a single digit jean, but wonder if my thigh size will ever let me be one and I am fine with that.
  • BrandiPants
    BrandiPants Posts: 41 Member
    I have lost 34 pounds and I still haven't gotten any new pants but my pants are fitting very differently then they used to. They sit much lower on my hips when the used to sit up at mt waist. As a result of this they now drag on the floor like crazy, but I am just not ready to get new ones yet. Do your jeans have a lot of stretch to them? That could explain why they aren't fitting much differently. Anp pay attention to where they are sitting on your body. Is it different than before? Just my two cents!
  • Thank you all for keeping me motivated, I thought I was the only person in the world lol. My jeans do fit better, BUT I have went down 1 size in shirts and undies...so I'll keep pushing!
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