Rapidly slipping

Hey guys. I am rapidly falling off track. I have been very conscious of my diet and working out since May. Over the last month, however, I've quickly fallen back into my old habits. I think it started from stress but now my body just craves all these terrible foods. I eat lots of treats and fast food. Today (after dinner) I ate 2 burgers, cheezies, a bag of chocolate chips, pop, and a chocolate bar. All after my work out. I don't know what to do to get myself out of this.

Can anyone help me get through this? Maybe offer support or offer themselves to help hold me accountable? I'm usually really strong willed but right now I feel so helpless. :(


  • mgorham13
    mgorham13 Posts: 168 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Turn the page and start fresh tomorrow and remind yourself of why you started in the first place.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    S T O P I T
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hey guys. I am rapidly falling off track. I have been very conscious of my diet and working out since May. Over the last month, however, I've quickly fallen back into my old habits. I think it started from stress but now my body just craves all these terrible foods. I eat lots of treats and fast food. Today (after dinner) I ate 2 burgers, cheezies, a bag of chocolate chips, pop, and a chocolate bar. All after my work out. I don't know what to do to get myself out of this.

    Can anyone help me get through this? Maybe offer support or offer themselves to help hold me accountable? I'm usually really strong willed but right now I feel so helpless. :(

    Yoooo, get back on track! If you need a few days to relax then take them. There is nothing wrong with what you did as long as it isn't a habit. Life isn't about being perfect every day, it is about getting back up when you're knocked down.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    It's going to be okay. My thinking is that if you are eating all that you must still be hungry and/or lacking in some nutrients or energy. I would urge you to examine your diet and see if you are getting everything you need including enough calories.

    processed sugar and junk food is highly addictive. Try to find alternatives that satisfy the craving in a healthier way.

    good luck
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Find your groove again. Maybe raise your cals some for a few weeks then gradually reduce them. It will get you in a routine again!!!
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    If it started with stress, address the stress. Start doing some breathing exercises, know that you are human, and you can get back on the horse. But do it gradually. Going all out will put you in the same place. GOOD LUCK!!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    No, you shouldn't beat yourself up but you need to hold yourself accountable. From your post this isn't just a few days but has been happening all month. By the way you look absolutely amazing and from what I read you are trying to gain muscle.....you need to remind yourself of your goals. And you also need to remind yourself is it worth having these gratifying pleasurable moments in return to having to start over. Because if you keep doing this you will have to start over and I'm sure you do not want that.

    Time to check yourself and gain control and move forward with your original plans. You had your fun this month now time to get back into the game girl!

    I do have a question though. You said you are trying to gain muscle so are you eating a surplus? And if so are you eating over your allocated surplus calories? I do not know much about this just what read on here. lol

    Not trying to sound harsh but you asked to be held accountable. As a poster said above:

    STOP IT.
  • Making_changes7
    Making_changes7 Posts: 194 Member
    I am trying to gain muscle. But after doing some research I decided that I am not ready to eat at a surplus. I have had problems with being overweight my whole life so I think I need to ensure that I've got my eating somewhat controlled before I start eating excess calories. Clearly I don't right now :P

    The problem mainly isn't the quantity of food that I'm eating. It's the quality. If I were eating excess calories of healthy things, I wouldn't feel bad at all. But it's because I'm eating awful things.

    I just don't know what to do. I've already made a post like this once, although it wasn't as desperate. I don't know... :(
  • svenena
    svenena Posts: 25 Member
    How about just aiming for one single day of eating healthy food. Plan yourself out a day of healthy meals, and then make every effort to stick with it. Tell yourself that tomorrow you'll reward yourself by eating what you want, and try really hard to get through that one day. And then, the next day, do the same again. Hopefully a couple of days of this will prove to yourself that you can do it, and you'll be able to get back on track.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    If you need to, go a week/fortnight/month where your goal is only to LOG EVERYTHING, and not worry about whether or not you are under/over your goals.

    Then when you feel less stressed get back on track.

    I have had two times when I felt myself going off track. One time I just slowly got worse and worse at logging everything until I just stopped. Was almost 6 months and some weight gain before I got back on track.

    Start of December I felt myself going off track, and with the month it was I knew it would be hard to stay on track, so I changed my goal to maintenance and just logged everything. Then come 3rd of January I was ready to start jump right back into achieving my goal of weightloss.
  • Monty_P
    Monty_P Posts: 62 Member
    Why were you stressed?
  • amm8589
    amm8589 Posts: 55 Member
    First, don't beat yourself up. Everyone here goes through a rough patch. Maybe your body is craving because of lack of nutrients, or maybe it's the winter blues, who knows. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, so start anew today. Make a goal that you can reach today. Nothing huge or extreme, just a step to get you back on track. Then tomorrow, do the same thing. One day at a time, you can do this!
  • Making_changes7
    Making_changes7 Posts: 194 Member
    Awh man you guys are so nice and supportive. I really like the idea of baby steps.. just try to go one day without eating poorly and not think about the rest of the days. I also like the idea of logging EVERYTHING. It's definitely a wake up call to see the amount of calories per day.

    I am stressed because of school but other things as well (not wanting to be in the discipline I'm in, trying to find a job, trying to get through all the design projects I have to do, etc). I did really well with minimizing my stress through working out last semester but now I'm having a hard time even with that. Although Zumba makes me happy :P

    Thanks for all your support :)