Hey there...

Hey everyone, I'm Jamie and needing my butt kicked into gear. Over the past few years I've shed alot of weight, some has came back but the majority has stayed gone. I was diagnosed PCOS many years ago, but not really given much information on how to deal with it. Within the last year I found a new Doctor that has been great and put me on Metformin and a diuretic that is supposed to help with the side effects of PCOS. I actually had tremendous luck with the medication but it did have its nasty side effects on me. Which led to me stopping the medication. I know that I need to be on it, and have every intention of gettin back on the wagon and would love some support doing it! I'm turning 30 this year and its driving me BANANAS! But I have decided that if I must be 30 then I might as well be a SEXY 30. All help and conversation is welcomed!!


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hey there Jamie, welcome to MFP 30 ain't no big thing.....it's only a number
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Just like Maggie (Missouri Rain) said 30 is just a number and you can get to feeling great and forgetting your age here. Good Luck!
  • jcmorrison25
    jcmorrison25 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks guys!!! Age has NEVER bothered me before so I don't know if it was the number of weddings or baby showers or what this past year, but single with no children at almost 30.....ughh...but on a high note I'm super excited that I found this website, and think that it will definitely show in my attitude and results. Thanks again!!