Breakfast skipper

I hear a lot about how important eating a good breakfast is, but I'm just not hungry in the mornings! Why would I feed myself calories I don't even want? Rather save them for lunch so I can eat more than carrots or whatever serious dieters eat for lunch. Confused...


  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Meal timing and frequency is irrelevent. Eat when you are hungry

    The breakfast myth has been debunked for a while now
  • I am the same way I used to weigh 227 went down to 145 (gained most back boo) but I did not eat breakfast the whole time. I feel like if we don't like breakfast we don't need it. people say so we don't starve ourselfs feel deprived etc. well my body knows it is going to eat (at times to much :) so don't eat it if you don't want it just make sure to bring in enough calories a day period. we can train our bodies to do whatever we want good or bad :)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Plenty of research has shown that it doesn't matter - specifically, if you don't feel loss of energy, it won't cause you any problems.
    Further, for some such as me, it's been shown that eating a certain amount of calories generally won't reduce the amount of calories you'll want to eat later by the same amount - so find it easier to control total calories by just eating less early.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Everyone is different :) People will sit on their soapboxes and tell you your approach is "wrong" or not "sustainable" but in my experience, what works for one doesn't always work for everyone else.

    I support your decision if it's working for you! :)
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Yep, everyone is different. For me I am very much a breakfast person and don't do well without it. But clearly you aren't like that, so yes save those calories for lunch!
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    Yes, everyone's different :) You don't need breakfast while I am the other hand collapse if I don't get something between my teeth in the mornings... it's a matter of habit, I suppose.
  • fruitikay
    fruitikay Posts: 12 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. One thing that IS good to do is drink a lot of fluids in the morning, especially water. This can help you get hydrated in the morning, flush out crap from last night, and get your metabolism moving for the day. It helps me, at least. I'm not a breakfast person either. I ended up forcing myself to eat a whole fruit in the morning, and my coworkers STILL got on me. "A pear is not a balanced breakfast..." A pear is all I can eat in the morning, if that.
  • I know some experts say that one must eat breakfast to have your body not go into starvation mode after the nighttime fast. In starvation mode, your metabolism slows down, thus consumes fewer calories, leaving more to be stored as fat. That being said, there are some of us who just aren't hungry in the morning. I, for one, find that if I eat in the morning when I get up, I am hungry all day and will over eat. We must feed our brains, however that can be done through a healthy, high protein, low fat & sugar, mid- or late-morning snack when the munchies appear. However hard I try, I just can't eat breakfast without overeating the rest of the day|!!
  • Everyone else here has said pretty much exactly what I would say except I would add one thing. I am also not hungry in the morning, but I have a problem with having enough energy during the day. I found that to solve that, I needed to eat in the morning, even if it was a handful of something simple, just to jump-start my feeling awake. So, just know that sometimes symptoms (feeling tired) can be solved by eating in the morning, but otherwise, if you're feeling healthy over-all anyway, I don't see why that would be a problem at all!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Waiting for the inevitable.
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    Not hungry, don't eat. Listen to your body.
  • Great loss. I couldn't agree with you more.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I know some experts say that one must eat breakfast to have your body not go into starvation mode after the nighttime fast. In starvation mode, your metabolism slows down, thus consumes fewer calories, leaving more to be stored as fat. That being said, there are some of us who just aren't hungry in the morning. I, for one, find that if I eat in the morning when I get up, I am hungry all day and will over eat. We must feed our brains, however that can be done through a healthy, high protein, low fat & sugar, mid- or late-morning snack when the munchies appear. However hard I try, I just can't eat breakfast without overeating the rest of the day|!!

    Those aren't "experts".
  • I personally have found some days it helps and some days it does not. I wake up not hungry most mornings but I will eat a lil something to make sure I am not starving later on, 6 outta 7 days that works but there is always that one day I don't eat enough and I am ravenous by lunch. So I say eat when you are hungry and what works for you might not work for others, do what works for you. Until a medical professional tells you otherwise, that is. :) Good luck!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    what works for one doesn't always work for everyone else.

    I hate that saying, that is all. :wink:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I know some experts say that one must eat breakfast to have your body not go into starvation mode after the nighttime fast. In starvation mode, your metabolism slows down, thus consumes fewer calories, leaving more to be stored as fat. That being said, there are some of us who just aren't hungry in the morning. I, for one, find that if I eat in the morning when I get up, I am hungry all day and will over eat. We must feed our brains, however that can be done through a healthy, high protein, low fat & sugar, mid- or late-morning snack when the munchies appear. However hard I try, I just can't eat breakfast without overeating the rest of the day|!!

    Those aren't "experts".

    Most of them are breakfast cereal companies.

    Some people find that eating breakfast gives them increased focus and energy in the mornings and decreased hunger throughout the day. Others report the opposite. This is one instance where it really is about what works best for you.
  • The original poster clearly stated her agreement with the "what works for you" notion. But instead, as per the way this place works, someone picked a word and put her answer down. That sort of picking, IMO, squashes discussion as opposed to helping us all to learn. It was her first post, I hope it isn't her last.
    I know some experts say that one must eat breakfast to have your body not go into starvation mode after the nighttime fast. In starvation mode, your metabolism slows down, thus consumes fewer calories, leaving more to be stored as fat. That being said, there are some of us who just aren't hungry in the morning. I, for one, find that if I eat in the morning when I get up, I am hungry all day and will over eat. We must feed our brains, however that can be done through a healthy, high protein, low fat & sugar, mid- or late-morning snack when the munchies appear. However hard I try, I just can't eat breakfast without overeating the rest of the day|!!

    Those aren't "experts".

    Most of them are breakfast cereal companies.

    Some people find that eating breakfast gives them increased focus and energy in the mornings and decreased hunger throughout the day. Others report the opposite. This is one instance where it really is about what works best for you.