Working out While Sick?

I have been down with a bad Cold and I have been feeling extremely tired. So I haven't been exercising. I have not been doing a lot of exercise over the past couple months because of Christmas then i went on vacation for 2 weeks Plus I picked up a bad sickness. However I do need to Start exercising again. I wanted to get some thoughts on Exercising while I am still sick? Should i wait until I am entirely better? Or Should i start going to the gym again right away. I have been feeling very lethargic, like even walking up the stairs can feel like a workout. Thoughts?


  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    How long have you been sick? Have you seen a doctor?
  • jillianash
    jillianash Posts: 97 Member
    I did see the doctor before I went on my trip ( 2 and 1/2 Weeks ago) and I am currently taking Anti Biotics She prescribed me. I didn't take them while i was on Vacation because I was almost better. however I picked up some other Cold while I was in Nicaragua and I am using the anti biotics to get rid of this one. It seems to be making it better. I am feeling a lot better today than i was 3 days ago.