DNA Diet

Has anyone here tried or know anything about the DNA diet? Does it really work or is it just a fad? It is advertised as being used to help train the world's top athletes.


  • SnocoPower
    SnocoPower Posts: 18 Member
    I've never heard of the DNA diet, but I am a believer of the Blood type diet. After dealing with digestive issues for many years and no resolution/diagnosis, I tried something different and switched to the blood type "beneficial" and neutral foods...and avoiding the foods that are bad for my blood type.

    Since then, I've lost 15 lbs in about 4 months, doing absolutely nothing different besides eating clean/following the plan for my blood type. IF there's a DNA diet out there, it sounds interesting and I believe that there's some science behind our physiology/the way we are built, and what we fuel our bodies with....whether we've fully proven it out yet (scientifically) or not, it works. :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    "How does the DNA Diet work?

    First of all, we need to figure out what your genetics say about you. What does your genetic profile mean? We create menu plans for you and snack ideas that will help you to lose weight, yet stay comfortable and not hungry. We figure out what foods work for your body and which foods don’t. If you follow your DNA Diet you will not only start to see weight loss, but you will also experience an improvement in mood, as once you give your body what it really needs to work most efficiently, it sends a pleasure message to your brain that makes you feel full and sated.
    How can you tell which DNA Diet will work for me? How do you know that I have those particular genes?

    When you fill out our special questionnaire and then submit it to us, we can then determine what type of genetic predispositions you have. Our formula relies on the science of genetics to understand what genes you have and what diet will work for you. For instance, if you are an Omega 3 dietary genetic type, then you would be advised to stay away certain foods. You will be given simple recipes to use if you wish to, dietary tips for eating out at restaurants, specific foods not to eat and other foods that will assist you in losing weight and also foods that will suit your particular genetic profile. We now integrate results from genome wide test results or more limited results for a truly personalized approach. "
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    It's a bunch of crap, as is the blood type diet.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Douglas Noel Adams?
  • This sounds like one of those "send us your moneys and we promise you results as soon as we have your credit card number and social security card number" kind of scams....

    For that it's worth I have looked at that blood type diet.... It says I should eat lots of dairy including full fat cows milk.... Well my lactose intolerance that i have had since I was a baby says otherwise....
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    It's a bunch of crap, as is the blood type diet.
  • echoslug
    echoslug Posts: 73 Member
    The diet as it's being advertised may be crap (high suspect it is) but I'm not 100% convinced that the concept is complete bull.

    After all people in different regions of the world have had centuries of consuming local foods - it wouldn't surprise me if there where local genetic adaptations to consuming certain foods. For example we know that people of certain Northern European have a mutation that give them a high tolerance for sour, just like some ethnic groups can tolerate capsicum better. I would not be surprised if there where other variances in our DNA that made our bodies better able to break down and utilize the nutrition benefits of some foods over others.

    However having worked on DNA sequencing and know a bit about the process I highly doubt we can sequence the genome to the degree necessary to identify those genes, much less figure out what your ideal diet would be based on this.