Nutrition, weight loss and sport.

Hi everyone,

I'm relatively new here.

I'm currently 146.4lbs and looking to lose about 25-30lbs. That would put me down to almost underweight but still a healthy BMI level.

People badger on at me all the time saying I don't need to lose weight and I really don't but I want to.

I'm a runner and it's an obsession of mine. So if I could be healthy at the lower end of the scale I'd be lighter on my feet! 13kg lighter!

Myfitnesspal is much more than just weight loss for me though. It's great for keeping track of how much of what your eating. Come to think of it before I used this it was so easy to be way under your calorie need or way over!! If you allow your own instinct to do the counting... it rarely adds up!

Anyway it's nice to meet you all. I'll be having a good look through the forums. Feel free to add me. I'm always looking for new friends to support them in their goals and to inspire me :)

All the best,