Post Your Weekly Workout Routines

ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I just like to see what kind of workout programs other people are following. It gives me ideas for things that I can incorporate into my workouts. So, if you have a program or a routine that you're following right now I'd love to see your weekly breakdown. Also, if you can tell what your goals are with your program that would be great too. My goal with the following program is to lose fat, be able to run faster speeds and longer distances and maintain my current muscle mass (or add to it, but at least maintain). This is a 6 week program that gets progressively more challenging every week.

Rest or Makeup Day

Full Body Workout (mostly calisthenics) **See exercises below
35-45 minutes elliptical

3 mile run (adding 1/2 mile per week for 6 weeks to get up to 5.5 miles)
6x50 Sprints (adding 1 per week to get up to 11x50 by the 6th week)
6 mile recovery bike ride

Full Body Workout (mostly calisthenics)
1/2 Mile Warmup Run
6x400 meter tempo runs with 90 seconds active rest between runs (400 meter runs at a pace approx. 2 minutes faster than my "normal" pace)
1/2 Mile Cooldown Run

Same as Tuesday

Full Body Workout (mostly calisthenics)
1/2 Mile Warmup Run
6x300 meter sprints (3 minutes rest between sprints with one max set of pushups)
1/2 Mile Cooldown Run

Same as Tuesday and Thursday

For reference, the full body workout is circuit training consisting of the following exercises:

Walking Lunges
Calf Hops
Jump Squats
Jump Overs
Split Squats
Jumping Jacks
Lat Pulldowns
Prone Cobra
Seated Row
Bicycle Crunch
Upright Row & Press
Flutter Kicks

The number of sets and reps varies from week to week. Every new week contains a little more than the prior week.


  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Wow! That's some routine! Here's mine:

    Sunday: Cross-train for 45 min or easy 5 mile run (I usually go for the run)

    Monday: Cross-train (lately these are my resistance training sessions with my trainer)

    Tuesday: Interval run (changes from week to week between 4-6 miles) and Boot Camp (woohoo!)

    Wednesday: Easy 6 mile run

    Thursday: 8.5 mile tempo run (I HATE TEMPO RUNS) and resistance training session

    Friday: rest :)

    Saturday: Long run....we're up to 22 miles
  • Hello! I haven't started a workout routine other than walking, which today was my first day doing it. However, I was thinking about trying to find some easy but effective body toning routines that I can do at home as I'm not ready to take on the gym yet. All suggestions are welcome :)
  • stu_35
    stu_35 Posts: 13 Member
    Coming up on finishing my first round of P90X. Here's what my week looks like.

    Monday - P90X Chest & Back or Chest, Shoulders and Triceps with Killer Abs from One-on-one with Tony Horton vol. 1

    Tuesday - Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit

    Wednesday - P90X Shoulders & Arms or Back & Biceps with Killer Abs

    Thursday - The Fountain of Youth Yoga from One-on-one with Tony Horton vol. 1 and usually about a 1.5 mile run

    Friday - P90X Legs & Back with P90 Ab Ripper

    Saturday - Kenpo Cardio Plus from P90X+

    Sunday - Usually rest but on occasion a good stretch or some yoga.
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I am only on week 2 of Turbo Fire, and I LOVE it so far. Week 3 for me looks like this:
    Monday Fire 45 EZ class (and let me tell you there is nothing easy about the EZ classes! LOL)
    Tuesday HIIT 25 (very high intensity)
    Wed supposed to be rest day, I usually go for a walk though or something easy
    Thursday HIIT 15 plus Tone 30
    Friday Fire 45 EZ Class
    Saturday Core 20 plus stretch 40
    Sunday Fire 55 EZ
    All classes have the stretch 10 after each work out.
    On the days that are short I add in Brazil Butt Lift program, either the High and Tight or Bum Bum, and I will also do strength training on the other short day. I feel like this wasn't building enough muscle, GREAT cardio, but I felt like I needed a little more.
  • upsy
    upsy Posts: 42
    At least 5 days a week my day starts like this
    followed by "buns" and "legs"
    If kids still in one piece and house isnt in fire, then i do these
    taking one by one during day between cooking, cleaning, feeding and taking care of 4 smallies.
    If weather is great, we have 3 - 4 h walk with kids (slow, but includes pushing, carrying, walking up the hill), if its raining, then im jumping with kids on trampuline (small indoor's, but perfect to entertain kids and have some cardio for me).
    I could add extra excersises, but these are fast and effective and im lazzy :D
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    A typical week for me looks like this.

    Mon: mma training (about 1.5 to 2 hrs of kickboxing, wrestling & jui-jitsu)
    Tue: rest (usually stuffed from mma :P)
    Wed: resistance training (bench press and squats plus various assistance exercises)
    Thu: HIIT circuits (I basically just use everything in my home gym and go for about 45mins)
    Fri: resistance training (deadlift and standing overhead press plus various assistance exercises)
    Sat: mma
    Sun: rest

    After resistance training, I will usually do some core work and something to get my HR up like skipping or boxing.

    My goals were previously to lose a little bit of fat while maintaining or increasing strength but I changed last week and I am now eating more and going to try and put on a few kg of muscle and then cut back. I am currently 73kg and I compete in the up to 76kg class in jui-jitsu so want to put on a few kg of quality muscle hopefully.
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    I have two training regimens I'm currently under, one is a 5x5 powerlifting, the other is a strongman.

    PL week

    Thursday-Squat + accessory work
    Saturday-Bench + accessory work
    Sunday-light cardio + any assistance work/light lifting
    Monday-Dead lifting + accessory work
    Tuesday-Heavy cardio + accessory work/kettlebells/dumbbells
    Wednesday-Rest/light cardio/hiking

    During the strongman weeks, I use many of the lifts as the PL week, but with heavier weights quicker, with lower reps. I don't bench press during this week usually, unless it's on an off day.
    Thursday-Atlas Stone + accessory work/squats with barbell and atlas stones
    Friday-Deadlift + accessory work
    Saturday-light/mod cardio/hiit
    Sunday-Atlas Stone/Tire flips/Keg toss/Farmers Walk/OH Press medley, done for time and reps
    Monday-light cardio
    Tuesday-Accessory work/kettlebells
    Wednesday-light cardio

    I competed in Judo for 12 years, but when the MMA people wanted to come in and learn MMA in the dojo every week, my sensei got fed up with the lack of commitment and respect from them, moved back to Japan to coach their junior olympic teams.
  • Monday: Rest or P90x stretch if I have time

    Tuesday: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred/ 30 minute run

    Wednesday: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred/ 30 minutes on treadmill inclined to 10

    Thursday: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred/ 30 minute run

    Friday: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred/ 30 minutes on treadmill inclined to 10

    Saturday: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred/ 30 minute run

    Sunday: Jillian Michaels 30 day shred/ 30 minutes on treadmill inclined to 10
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