Bought A New Pair Of Jeans, one size smaller on Purpose!

I've kind of lost some motivation, The last few weeks I just can't stick to my Macros!!! I do good in the mornings and afternoons but once night hits, It's game over!! I'm like the cookie monster.

So today I decided to buy a nice pair of jeans, but a size smaller, I paid $$ for them, I usually don't spend a lot on jeans but these ones, were the One!! These jeans go up, especially if I'm jumping up and down and all around and They don't button up LOL, which really motivated me :)

Now I have too bust my @ss harder at the gym and hit my Macros.

Just thought I'd share :)


  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    If thats what it takes to get back to being strict then thats what you do ! I am sure you will get there ! I always like buying smaller clothes.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    Best wishes on this strategy, Joaden1!
    I would hang those beautiful, expensive on a wall hook to see them every moment you're home.
    For extra incentive, I'd put the price tags and sales slips in a baggie, right next to them!
    May your goal be reached quickly!
  • RockingGranny
    RockingGranny Posts: 64 Member
    I like that logic!! Good for you!!
  • christopherphillips1983
    My current jeans have a 36" waist, and it was 38" for a while. My "motivational clothing" isn't a pair of jeans, but rather a kilt that I've had for several years. It was sized when I was like 20 and had a 32" waist. I haven't been able to wear it due to the size for like 7 years, but I've never gotten rid of it (mostly because it's a formal piece, custom-made in Scotland, and cost several hundred dollars). I just sort of ignored it for some years, but recently I've made it into my motivational goal. It's a stark reminder of what I'm trying to do every time I open my closet.
  • sheri833
    I have a pre pregnancy pair if pants hanging in my kitchen and they are 5 sizes smaller. This strategy has helped me every time I thought about eating something not in my plan.
  • jamiebxo
    jamiebxo Posts: 116
    Buying clothes a size smaller is such a good way to motivate you! I've done it a few times and it really does work! Good luck :)