Hi everyone!

Hello everyone! New to the site and forums here. My Anatomy and Physiology II professor recommend the site to me after I mentioned to her I was trying a more strict paleo diet to induce my body into ketosis. I've been paleo/primal for roughly 5 months now (well 4 if you count the month I fell off the wagon). Within the first 3 months I lost 35lbs and held them off.

I recently decided to get back on the wagon as of Monday 1/27/2014, but this time around I wanted to focus more on a ketogenic form of paleo. Well, here I am!! After a solid week of cutting back heavily on carbs and intermittent fasting I finally reached Ketosis and man do I feel quite amazing!!

I will say that so far I thoroughly enjoy the community or... atleast the information I have gathered from previous posts :).
