S.O.S.! - Single Mom w/ *zero* natural energy

Lately, I feel like my body is just giving up :( I'm living on coffee, sugar, carbs... otherwise, I can't get out of bed.

Feeling so weak, but have *so* much to get done for work & to take care of my son's needs (5 w/ Down Syndrome). Just crashing. Typically spend weekends resting to detox from all of the coffee so it gets me through the next week.

Paying out of pocket to see a well-known endocrinologist in Atlanta because I'm just desperate. Bloodwork is showing reduced adrenal function. Taking B12/B Complex/Magnesium/Fish Oil.... eating Gluten/Lactose/Soy free.

Psychiatrist came up with anxiety, depression, ADD, PTSD - Just a wreck! But I feel like these psych dx's are moreso symptoms of my physical state. When I feel weak, it just becomes generally hard to think, especially happy thoughts.

Micronutrient testing: Borderline low intracellular magnesium.

This is pathetic. Today was a bit dramatic, and led me to realize just how alone I am taking care of my precious boy. Really need to get stronger for him. He is amazing.

Sorry to be such a downer! This is so not me! Has anyone else driven themselves to this point?? Please advise! I need some non-overwhelming things I can do with limited energy....... HELP......!


  • Napier_mum
    Napier_mum Posts: 88 Member
    Sorry things are so bad for you at the moment. The only suggestion I have is getting out for a bit of a walk some days. Even if it is just around the block etc. I always feel so much more refreshed after being outside.

    Of course I guess it depends on the weather where you live at the moment. Maybe you could take your boy to a park etc? Do you get any help with him like respite care etc, even if it is just to get out on your own for a few hours it can make all the difference.

    Big hugs!
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I've been there. I was coming home from work, and sitting down to take my shoes off, i would pass out sitting straight up.

    My vit.D was low, affecting my thyroid. I now take a multi vit, D 2000, and a B complex. Any day I skip one, I go right back to the sugar, caffeine, more sugar, and then a nap.

    I know that if I try to get everything done in a day, I'll never work out. So I start my days with a walk. Outdoors, when the weather allows, but if not, I head to the mall. It's simple, but it gets my blood circulating, and has helped my mood immensely. Even if its only 10 minutes, I do it.

    Since then, I've felt better, and been able to do more and more a little at a time. When I take care of myself first, I think of it like the oxygen masks- put yourself first, then you will be better able to care for others.
  • tiffanigray0609
    tiffanigray0609 Posts: 8 Member
    I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. Try a bit of yoga. Not only is it a good way to exercise but it can also help you relax. I use to stress over little things and Yoga always helped center me. :) You can get yoga dvds to do in the early mornings or at bedtime, thats what I use. You are in my thoughts and I wish you the best.
  • wcboldt
    wcboldt Posts: 11 Member
    I know how you feel. I have a 4yo & a 2yo. I want to be energetic and happy for them, but it can be a real struggle at times. I have hypothyroidism and also take a supplement for my adrenals (xymogen). I also had a similar diagnosis from my psych. I've felt better after cleaning up my diet and adding the adrenal supp. But NOTHING replaces sleep. My little girls are my motivation as I'm sure your son is yours.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,589 MFP Moderator
    You sure do have a lot on your plate and I sympathize with that to and I am not going to pretend I am coming from any sort of similar situation. Ideas from your post: What is your diet like, I know you said a lot of your diet has sugar and carbs, that may be part of the problem. They are great for giving you an energy spike but then they lead to a pretty good crash later in excess. Also as exhausting as exercise sounds it does actually boost your energy levels. Can you exercise with you son, go on walks together or something like that. It might give you a bit of a chance to relax your mind a little bit and spend some time with your son and get him some exercise/wear him out too so when you are ready to relax afterwards he will be too. I don't really know if any of that is helpful but I wish you the best. If you need any friends to talk to on here feel free to add me :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I'm a single mom. My boys are 5 and 4, one is on the autism spectrum. The best thing I did to help take care of them was to take care of myself. When they were 1 and 2 I was obese, plus I suffered from anxiety and depression. I started eating healthier and started working out. The first week of working out I was drained even more. Cried myself to sleep one night. By the second week I started to have more energy. I started tracking how I felt through the day and how I spent my time. Started sleeping enough, drinking water, eating less processed foods and then started lifting weights.

    Today I am a different person than I was when I started. I am mentally and physically strong. Start with small changes to improve your health and they will add up.
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    Dear OP....I'm so sorry you are feeling so desperate that you are eating sugar, caffeine and carbs to get you through your day. Of course, in the long run, they are not really helpful. For me, eating very much sugar leads to depression and hence the craving for more sugar in order to feel some energy. A depleting cycle.

    I would suggest that you open your food diary and get some feedback on what you might be able to do with food to help with energy. It sounds as if you are getting some medical help and are taking supplements. I'm wondering if taking homeopathic cell salts for magnesium....or the full range of 12 cell salts might be helpful. If you take them and your body doesn't need them, they do no harm.

    Is there any way you can ask someone for help with your son to give you a break and time to just sleep as long as you may need. God bless you, I wish you the best.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I understand the added stress of a special needs child. The early years are pretty tough. If it is any help, it does get better when they mature some. That said, I have a great husband for support. You need to reach out to family, friends, church, social services, someone for some help if you are indeed doing this completely on your own. I know how hard it is to ask for help. You feel like you should be able to handle it yourself. But there is no shame in asking for help.

    Number one, you need sleep. Sleep deprivation will literally drive you crazy, in addition to destroying your health.

    Don't worry about the scale during this time. Make sure you eat enough. But living on caffeine and sugar is a vicious cycle.
    Take a few minutes to plan some higher protein and healthy fat meals and snacks. Fresh fruits and veggies will help your body feel better long term than the temporary sugar high that ends in the crash.
    Brain fog will decrease as well when you cut back on the sugar highs and get some quality food in you.
    Drink lots of water. Caffeine can dehydrate you and cause even more problems.

    Find ways to de-stress. A few minutes of deep breathing and meditation can go along way.
    A few minutes of fresh air and sunshine can do a world of good as well.

    Hang in there. That is one special little child that has been entrusted to you. Like someone else said, you have to take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby! :flowerforyou:
  • NonfatLattexo
    NonfatLattexo Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks so much for your ideas and especially the *support*. My BIG goals for Saturday are to drag my butt to the gym and then pick up some good nutrition from Whole Foods or Trader Joes. Already set up babysitting with my mom. I think I just need to get back to taking care of my basic "human" needs, which is something I lost sight of in the constant rush. The sleep piece will be hard! So much running through my head.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    IMO the sugar, coffee and carbs is not helping your situation. Go cold turkey with straight water for one week and flush your system clean.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Good nutrition and exercise forms a solid base for just about everything that life throws your way. It sounds like you have a lot coming at you, and I understand that you don't have a ton of time, so feel free to take it slow. Maybe replace sugar with fruit or protein and continue to make small changes like that until you're feeling better. I think vitamin and mineral supplements can help, too.
  • I feel the same EXACT way and going through nearly all the same things! M&M's are fast, easy calories that I do not have to cook! While I am not a single mom, I might as well be with a hubby in medical school. I never see him but get to reap all the benefits of having him around. It's like having a phantom kid.

    While it may be some time off, the only thing I have to look forward to to kick off this weight is spring and my garden. Its great if you have enough space. You little one can run rampant and tire himself out while you work in the garden tilling. planting, ect.

    But the real benefit is when all the good fruits and veggies come in that are way healthier than any grocery store. And you lose weight doing it!

    And before either of my children could walk, I placed them in the stroller while I worked outside and they napped/played/drooled.

    Good luck and I hope you get your rest!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    If sleep is hard because you have a lot running through your head it is often a memory process of fear of forgetting. You can try this:
    Get a notebook and a pen - place these by the side of your bed and make a short list of the most important things that come to mind in the evening. What is written down is not forgotten. You know you captured it and will deal with it in the morning. These tasks are caught, so you do not need to worry and think about them.
    There are other note taking/detachment processes that can help but the "on the list : not forgotten" seems to be very useful.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If sleep is hard because you have a lot running through your head it is often a memory process of fear of forgetting. You can try this:
    Get a notebook and a pen - place these by the side of your bed and make a short list of the most important things that come to mind in the evening. What is written down is not forgotten. You know you captured it and will deal with it in the morning. These tasks are caught, so you do not need to worry and think about them.
    There are other note taking/detachment processes that can help but the "on the list : not forgotten" seems to be very useful.

    ^this has worked for me in the past.

    Since this is a food and cal centered site, I'll tell you what my energy zappers are. Dehydration, sads from restricting too many foods too completely, and low iron.

    I'm glad your doctors are helping you but I would honestly look at your logged food to make sure you are actually Getting ENOUGH of all your macros before you consider deleting anythign from your life. I'm not sure if all mom's are this way but the more MOM stuff i pile on my plate the less real food i pile on my dinner plate in general.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    I could have written your post once upon a time. I suggest that you look at the Whole 30 diet. They have a book too if you want to invest in it and it is called It Starts with Food. Until I went on this diet, I was always tired and I always craved sugar and starch. It was rough for the first few weeks off of those things, but now I never crave any of it and I have a crazy amount of energy (compared to before). Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but coffee disrupts adrenals so you might want to move away from it. I love coffee and I drink coffee, but I try to keep it to one cup in the morning and that is it.

  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    IMO the sugar, coffee and carbs is not helping your situation. Go cold turkey with straight water for one week and flush your system clean.

    Just totally agreeing with this. Lot and lots of water. I would look at whole 30, which gets rid of the grains and all sugar and dairy.
    It will be difficult. You will feel like you have hit the absolute bottom for a week or two and then you will feel amazing, almost like you have been set free of something. If you can push through those difficult weeks, it will be completely worth it.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I'd drop the coffee if I were you too. You're in a really vicious cycle and I sometimes fall into it too since I work midnights and barely sleep. Sleep is absolutely key. If you have the cash try and see a sleep therapist for either sleep medicine or fatigue fighting medicine.

    One medicine I was on was Provigil which was a god damn wonder drug. It instantly increased my wakefulness and increase my concentration. It also replaced stimulants I was consuming, but it is not a stimulant itself.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I feel very much the same when my thyroid needs adjusted. It's horrible! My doctor recently switched the ratio on the two thyroid meds I take which is helping BUT she also told me (all but wrote out a prescription) that at least every couple weeks I need to take a few minutes to do something for me. Something beside exercising (which is what my "me" time has been) and try to do something that I used to do before I had my kids. I think just having my doctor say "You need to do this" really helped me to not feel guilty for getting a few more minutes to myself, for myself. If you have anyone that can watch your little one for a few minutes every once in a while, don't clean or do things you "have to get done," just paint your toe nails or anything that is just for you.

    *hugs* Feel better and I hope you can feel like yourself again soon.
  • NonfatLattexo
    NonfatLattexo Posts: 13 Member
    IMO the sugar, coffee and carbs is not helping your situation. Go cold turkey with straight water for one week and flush your system clean.
    I would like to, but it's so bad I would have to take PTO at work. My doctor says to wean off.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Yes, weaning off of caffeine is much better, Those coffee withdrawals headaches are killer!
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    When I was trying to cut back on caffeine, I mixed half decaf and half regular, or drank one regular soda, and one without caffeine. It made it easier to trick myself into cutting back, because I was still drinking the same amount.