How did you lose the final 15 lbs.?

For all of you people out there who have met your weight loss goals: how did you lose the final 15 lbs? What was your workout routine? How many calories did you burn a week through exercising? Thanks for your imput! :happy:


  • StarryEyedGirl
    this is currently my biggest challenge!! I am losing and gaining the same 1 pound! it's getting to me!
  • Families_R_Forever
    I would like this answer too although I am guessing it is just plain old hard work!
  • WTFitness
    WTFitness Posts: 77 Member
    I weighed 128 lbs when I started P90x. I followed the workout schedule for the Classic version and ate according to the nutrition plan. I am currently finishing my 6th week and, last I checked (a few days ago), I was down to 112. :) I put all my trust into the program, and it works! My tip would be to limit your complex carb intake (I haven't hate bread, rice, pasta, etc. since life pre-90x!) and up your lean protein, drink lots of water, and get more sleep!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I totally hear you about those last few pounds. I reached my first goal of 30lbs loss in 123 days. It's taken almost that same amount of time to lose an extra 10. I did increase my running from 5 mph to 5.5 mph and dropped about 3 lbs pretty quickly. I would suggest increasing your activity and water intake but don't cut back on calories. Eat most of your exercise calories.
    Good luck to ya!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    thanks everyone, I needed this information also, been playing around with those last few ugly pounds. I think my habits started slacking too, not with exercise but with food so now that the bbqs are over for a while I need inspiration to get serious again.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I'm also struggling with the final 5lbs, though went away on holiday and didn't count any calories (just ate carefully) and lost 2lbs in the week! I decided to do the same this week see if it makes any difference, and eat maintain calories, exercise a bit more and added in a fitness dvd instead of just running and light weights. we shall see.