Body Bugg?

Wondering if these are worth the money. Or, does anyone have one they love that wasn't ridiculously expensive.

Really, any guidance or advice is appreciated.

Thanks guys


  • Kevster75
    Hey there,

    Personally, I have no idea, so perhaps some other MFP members can help you directly..

    In the meantime, I've found these for you;

    Hope they're of use to you. :smile:
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Love mine...REALLY made me aware of how many calories I actually burn each day (which was a LOT more than I thought!! I thought I was burning 2300/day. In reality, it's closer to 2800 which really changes the nutrition aspect). Also, when I want to dog it, I look at the wrist display which tells me my current calorie burn and it inspires/motivates me to go push play on my fitness DVD or walk the pups so I can get to at my goal of 11,000 steps and 2600 calories burned each day.
  • has anyone tryed the fit bit are they just like the body bug but less exspensive??
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    well, i only got mine cause i got a really good deal on ebay. i got the bodybugg for $95 and the subscription that remained transferred and is good thru Feb 2011, so I don't have to pay monthly fees! I don't think the seller knew that the subscription would transfer cause it wasn't included in the description, so i kinda just got lucky there. but i have been wearing mine for about 3 weeks now and it has really helped me know how many calories i burn doing all my "ordinary" things throughout the day, as well as when I workout. I was actually surprised that I wasn't burning more calories than I thought, cause that seemed to be the thing I kept hearing with others. But so far, I am pretty average as far as base calories as well as those burned during exercise. Other times I am actually burning LESS than the estimates, which sucks, but at least I know and it has helped my by motivating me to be more active throughout the day. I was in a plateau before i got the bodybugg and in the last 3 weeks I have dropped another 3 pounds, so it IS worth it to me. And apparently, they sell pretty easily on ebay, so if you are done with it, you can recoop some of your money!
  • healthyforlife79
    Thanks everyone, and thanks Kevster for the links