200+ (Week 47) "Hot for Halloween" Begins!



  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Kendal-Yeah for closet shopping! So much easier on the budget, but just as thrilling when you find you can now wear something you previously outgrew.

    Kristina-Concentrate on your successes. 9 miles is awesome even if you were dragging at the end. I'm confident you'll get to a comfortable 13 in good time for your half-marathon. And double congrats on getting a peek at the 170s!

    Deb and Victoria-Hope you both feel better soon.
  • pinbotchick
    Good morning Super Pals!!! I'm finally feeling a bit better. Another busy week planned with work and bookclub not to mention yard work and finishing the book... I took today off of biking for an added rest day. I'm going to back on track tomorrow with a scheduled 2 mile run. Taking this week off from my regular routine has been good for weight loss. I'm back down to 182.5 this morning. YEAH!!! Let's hope it sticks for the weigh-in Friday. I've gotta run and get some things faxed before my shower. Have a wonderful Monday..

    Amy - how'd it go with the Huskie??
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- so glad to hear that you're feeling better. Sounds like the 2 mile run tomorrow will be a good transition back into the training. I have a question for you regarding your training... what does the running on your schedule look like the week before and the week of the half? Just curious. I'm waffling on registering for the 10K, as it's only 2 weeks before the half, and if I commit to the half, I would rather spend that weekend doing my longest training run, instead of just the 6 miles (who would have thought I would ever be like, JUST 6 miles. haha). But if I decide against the half, I'll do the 10K. I would like another race under belt, but we'll see. Fabulous to hear about the weight loss! WOO! I'm at 180.0 this morning- back out of the 170s, but that's okay. Just the quick taste made me motivated to finally get there for good (but you know, not forever... let's hope I'm not in the 170s as long as I was in the 180s).

    Relatively busy week ahead. I start a new group tomorrow evening, which I'm sort of looking forward to. You never know what the dynamics are going to be like until the first session,and I think there are a couple of wild cards in the mix, but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Also, several 6-month appointments for my first group I ever ran (aww), which is nice, because I will have much less contact with them now, which will leave my time open for more newbies.

    Went to the running store yesterday and got fitted for a new pair of shoes. My feet are pretty normal... the tread pattern on my old shoes was wearing at a normal pattern and they guy watched me walk. Said my arches were just a smidge high, but nothing that needed to be corrected, so basically just needed a good basic running shoe. Tried on 3 pairs- went with an Adidas. Anyone heard anything about Adidas's micoach? I think it's similar to Nike+, but has more goodies with it, including a HRM, to give you better training stats. My shoes are fitted to be able to place their sensor in it. Something to maybe investigate down the road. So, plan to break them in slowly. I'm not super sore from yesterday's long run (at this point), and I walked to work this morning. Will do some hand weights today, and might take a relatively short walk (2-3 miles?) in my new shoes and break them in a bit.

    Well, off to make some reminder phone calls. Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Glad to be home from our two day trip and glad to have the in laws leaving today. Three weeks is WAY way too long!

    Today I started tracking again. Had my last mocha for a month and brought my salad makings to work as well so I don't eat out today. Four weeks of that. Talk about a challenge! Sheesh. Really I should do it for the whole six weeks I suppose.
    Thursday Gracie and I are going to tour the new gym and see what we think..she is excited about the playroom which is nice because it would be cool to take her with me after work a few days a week. They have racketball and I'd like to try that too. Something different.
    They also having rowing machines that I cannot wait to try out. Talk about a total body work out!!

    Amy - I saw on FB that you started home schooling huh? Did you get the husky?

    Victoria - glad to hear you are feeling better. The super drastic weather changes here in Oregon are killing me right now. Massive sinus drainage and headaches.

    Kristina - never heard of the Adidas thing but sounds interesting. If I start running I will check it out.

    Deb - take it easy on that ankle now!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya superpals. Sorry for being absent. I haven't really been uber-busy but we've had stuff to do seeing as DH leaves this Saturday for the States for 3 months. We decided against getting the puppy as she isn't spayed and if we shelled out the $800 the people want for her, we wouldn't be able to get her spayed any time soon and I don't even want to imagine what 2 female dogs (one spayed and one not) together in a house are like. We'll maybe revisit the dog issue again come springtime.

    Yes, Lacey, you saw right - I am now homeschooling my 7 year old. We withdrew him from school today. We are going to be using a curriculum called K12 which is basically an online school offered by the state of Idaho so I don't have to come up with my own curriculum (which I wouldn't even want to attempt) and it's free (since we are legal residents of Idaho despite the fact that I've never lived there and it's been over 11 years since DH lived there - I love military clauses). We haven't gotten the supplies yet, so we are working out of some workbooks I have and, so far, so good.

    Kristina: way to go on your long run. You rock. Your shoes sound interesting...and complicated. I need to get a good pair of trail runners as I mostly run on trails and by the 3rd mile, I can feel EVERY rock & pebble under my feet (I just have regular running shoes now).

    Lacey: 3 WEEKS?!?!? Wow.

    Deb: Aren't injuries such a bummer? Make sure you take care of it so you don't get out there & hurt it again.

    Victoria: I'm glad you're feeling better and the scale is being nicer to you. What book are you reading for your book club?

    Kendal: I absolutely love, love LOVE being able to fit back into my old clothes. It hasn't happened much yet but I can tell you (this is probably TMI so look away if you don't want to read it) that I finally fit back into a rocking corset I was once quite fond of. DH is quite fond of it too. :embarassed:

    Sarah: I didn't want you to think I left you out - hope you're doing good!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Went to Savannah this weekend for some girly time. No, I didn't login, nor was I able to keep track, but I did manage to not over eat. I only ate 1 dessert and even shared it with my MIL. So, I think I did pretty good. We did do a long walk on the beach and a 2 hour walking ghost tour, so we did keep moving. We had a great time and think we are going to start planning next years girly trip.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Seeing if my thingy shows up at the bottom...
  • pinbotchick
    Kristina - here's my training schedule - OMG it's 5 weeks away... This week 2, 7, 10... 2. 8, 10... 2, 10, 11... 2, 8, 11... 2, 5, race... you could mess with the week to do the 10K - try 4, 11, 10K??? Good luck. Your shoes sounds awesome!!! Congrats on taking the plunge to get them.

    Amy - way cool on the home schooling. Good luck. I think you made the right choice on the puppy. $800 American seems pretty steep to me. Pound dogs run too.

    Kendal - hope you're feeling better. I can so feel for you after being sick last week. Drink lots of fluids and take it easy.

    Lacey - Have fun at the gym. I hope you and Gracie like it...

    Sarah - I want some girly time!!! Glad you had fun and kept active. Thanks for sticking with us!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm still sick but forced myself to come to work today. Its my allergies so its not like I'm going to get anyone else sick. My manager is letting me make up the time I missed yesterday instead of having to waste my PTO (seriously, if I'm going to use my PTO, it better be for a pretty day that I can enjoy instead of have to lay in bed all day feeling crappy).

    Eating has been horrendous the past 2 days. Sunday I bought a pack of Little Debbie fall snack cake things and ate FOUR of the 5 packets in the box. :embarassed: I had tomato soup twice yesterday (and I brought it for lunch today too) cause it just makes me feel better. Despite all this crap, I am somehow down to 218.8 this morning. :huh: Very confusing.

    I am soooooooo not feeling work today. :frown:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- that food is going to catch up with you. Don't sabotage yourself- you've been doing so well! *cracks whip*

    Victoria- wow- I don't think I could imaging doing 2 10+ mile runs in a week. I have to hand it to you. I had thought about doing my long run earlier in the week for the 10K race week, but I don't know if I would really have time to do so... it takes me so long, and I'm really not down with running 2+ hours after getting home from work, and I'm not getting up at 4 to do so. So, we'll see. Keep at it though! This week is another 5, 5, and it supposed to be 10, but as I have some leeway, I'll do the 9.4 I did this weekend again and bump it up to 10 next week.

    I did a recovery walk yesterday, partially to get myself moving again, and partially to break in my new shoes. No problems with them. Just walked to and from work earlier in the day and then did a 2.5 mile loop around the neighborhood.

    Plan is to do my 5 miler when I get home from work. Today I start a new group, which is always a bit nervewracking, as I don't know the dynamics yet. So I won't get home until 7:30, but I'm still hoping to hit the pavement and get that "short" run in.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I know I didn't remember every thing I ate yesterday but I made a good effort to track calories and will keep it up from here on out. Two more days and I tour the gym and get going again..yeay! I have been so antsy lately and I think its from the fact that I stopped exercising in May and haven't been moving as much. I need that work out to center myself I guess!


    Kristina and Victoria - keep up the good running ladies!

    Kendal - I hope you feel better soon. Allergies that make you feel like you have a cold totally blow.

    Amy - I saw the calorie burn from that Insanity vid you did. WOW!

    Mish - yeay for girly time. It is nice to have sometimes!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies. I have been completely immersed in the homeschooling and exercising thing. I knew homeschooling would be time consuming but I didn't imagine it would be this draining. :huh: By the time we left for soccer practice tonight, I was ready for a nap! I would imagine that for a slightly older kid, they could do a lot on their own but since Gabe's only 7, he needs a lot of hand holding and directions to get anything done. He did manage to do some reading and writing on his own while I gt my Insanity workout done & showered but everything else he did today involved me sitting right next to him. I guess we'll get into a groove and maybe it won't be so tiring....right?!?!? I did get my dog walk and Insanity in for the day. I think that probably contributed to being so freaking tired.

    Lacey: Yay for the gym!

    Kristina: Yay for running and new shoes! A little birdie told me that I am getting trail runners and socks for my birthday. Yay!

    Kendal: I do the exact same thing when I'm sick. I seek out comfort food, inhale a bunch of calories and then STILL feel like crap - generally, I feel worse because now, on top of being sick, I feel fat too. Don't let it get the best of you. I'm sure your body needs rest but it probably doesn't need snack cakes. Feel better!

    Victoria: Pound dogs are off limits to me while I'm in Germany. The Germans take their animals very seriously and they don't like to let American military members adopt them as the Americans have a really bad rep for abandoning animals when it gets too inconvenient to keep them or move somewhere else with them. So I will make do with walking my dog (who I ADORE, by the way!!) and running with the family or all on my own.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Just checking in. Had a minor setback yesterday with some cheetos and am struggling today. Really want some nice dark chocolate or Ben and Jerry's Phish food ice cream. If you can't tell, it's TOM giving me all sorts of cravings. Also making me bloated and grouchy. Can't so anything now about the cheetos, but so far am resisting the call of the chocolate
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Another day that I didn't work out. Still sick though so I have a good excuse. I did get out and help my brother mow the yard. He did the big part of it until he ran over a small copperhead snake. It was injured but I got the shovel out and chopped its head off. I but the body in a baggie and let Logan take it home. I think its a cool story. And I got out and sweated a little bit. Can't breath now though. Oh well. Breathing is overrated
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sarah, I get some serious nasty cravings too around my TOM. More though, my willpower is significantly diminished that week or so, so try and hang in there, or if you splurge, don't overdo it.

    Amy, yay for getting new shoes! Perhaps the homeschooling will get a bit better once you get into the groove of things. Hang in there! Proud of you for still getting the insanity workout in.

    Kendal, eww about the snake. Nice job with getting out for a bit. Not working out while sick is completely understandable. You need to take care of your body... that includes getting lots of water and fruits and veggies! Hope you feel better soon!

    Well, glad to be home. Work was hella long today, but not bad. Group went about as expected-- okay. One problem case, but as the other members didn't seem to be too bothered by it, I tried not to let it psych me out too much. Helps that this cohort I'm not being observed by a coworker, so I'm a bit less on edge. Always can shoot for improvement though.

    Did my 5.09 mile run when I got home and was super proud of myself for doing it. Basically didn't allow myself to get settled. Basically dropped by crap, changed, and went out the door. Kept up a really good pace throughout (12:10 avg), and actually thought I was going faster than that. I can't complain though, as I thought my legs would be giving me a lot more problems. I guess stretching really well and walking yesterday for a bit really helped. Only thing is that I got such a late start, i'm a bit amped up now (working out wakes me up), and I wanted to get to bed early, as I have an 8am meeting tomorrow that I really should be alert for. Will need to get moving, so I can maybe make a Starbucks run on the way in.

    Hope everyone is doing well. It seems later than Tuesday night... having groups always throws me off. Boo for 3 more days left in the week.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm absolutely baffled at how this is happening but today I was 217.2. (weighed 3 times cause I didn't believe it but it was exactly the same every time) Maybe its cause I drank 64oz of tea yesterday (that counts as water, right?) or maybe it has something to do with the zyrtec I'm taking at night. Who knows?

    My nose is still running like Niagra Falls but my body doesn't feel as run down. That might be contributed to the fact that I slept the whole night through last night. The past 2-3 nights I've been waking up wide awake in the middle of the night and not going back to sleep for 30min to an hour.

    So....what are you ladies going to dress up as for Halloween? I'm going to re-wear my Alice in Wonderland costume from last year. My dress is below (I posted a pic of me in it several months ago) except I have thigh highs instead of tights (and a garter belt to hold them up). I have the clock purse (actually, Joey took it when he moved out and he's supposed to be mailing it back to me) and I have the cutest shoes to match. (second link)



    OH! and the bff got a matching outfit this year! She's going to be the evil Queen of Hearts!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- drinking all that tea probably helped, as it does have a lot of water in it. Hope you feel better soon. I hadn't thought much about Halloween. It's not a big deal here. Last year, our team at work dressed up as M&Ms together, which was fun, but I don't imagine dressing up otherwise. Halloween was always a big deal when I lived in Chapel Hill, as they have a huge celebration every year in town and everyone dresses up.

    Today should be okay. I'm REALLY craving a pumpkin scone from Starbucks, but they are crazy caloric, so I can't do it. I need to make my pumpkin bread soon, because the pumpkin cravings are definitely revving up into full swing, and I can freeze some of the bread and bring a lot of it to work, so I don't have to keep it laying around the house.

    Legs are feeling okay today so far. Plan is to hit up the gym after work (have to stay a bit late tonight) and get some crosstraining in. I think I'll probably do the bike. I need to get to bed at a good time tonight. Getting up this morning was painful.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Today is the second day in a row that I have had a severe sinus headache to the point where I am nauseated. The only thing that would help is if I kept snacking. Now today that is not helping either. I am a mess today. Ugh, I hope this goes away soon.

    Oh, Hi everyone...sorry about my rant. I am just so miserable today.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya- Everyone is kinda sick here so we didn't do much today. Did the schooling and, Kristina you are right, it is getting easier as I get used to it. Other than that...didn't do anything useful.

    Mish: Bummer about the headache. Feel better.

    Kendal: I'm glad you aren't feeling as run down. I like your Halloween costume. If I could have any costume ever, I'd wear the Alice in Wonderland costume from the recent move - the one where Alice was Um, from Umbridge. I LOVED that dress. Alas, Germans don't really celebrate Halloween so I'm sure I'll take Gabe to trick-or-treat on base but I'm not going to dress up as anything. It's a bummer cuz Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. Last year I was a grim reaper from the TV show Dead Like Me (which, I'm sure none of you saw but was funny as hell) and DH was Dexter (from the TV show of the same name. We went bowling in costume with some friends. It was fun.

    Kristina: good job on the running! How do you keep from getting blisters? I think I must have misshapen feet because I keep getting blisters. I put moleskin on area I know get blisters before I go running only to come back with yet ANOTHER spot with a blister. It's really annoying.

    I didn't run today. I will tomorrow. Not looking to good for this week's weigh in.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy, I haven't ever really gotten any blisters from running. I don't think I'm doing anything special... I don't know what to tell you. Oh, and um, i own the complete "Dead Like Me" series. LOVE.IT. Basically love anything that the creator has ever done: Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies. So funny and whimsical. Dexter is obviously a winner in terms of shows.

    Well, about to finish up my last appt of the day and then it's off to the gym. I had thoughts about going at lunch and eating something good at home after and then got noodles & company instead. *facepalm* so yeah, food will not be the best for me today, though other than the pasta at lunch, have done well, and the calories shouldn't be horrific for the day.