How do you keep from getting obsessed?

I've been doing really good with my calories and workouts but a small part of me feels like I'm getting obsessed. If I go a little over my calories I freak out even knowing that I didn't gain weight from going 25 calories over! I am so afraid of gaining weight and I feel like I need to even myself out some. How do you keep from getting obsessed? Does anyone else have this problem?


  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I have this problem. I am obsessed. However, I have lost 70 lbs. over the last two years. :) ...but I'm not saying obsession is okay. Sometimes I think I've lost my mind, LOL! Good luck! :)
  • exercisesucks
    What I do when I'm feeling a little obsessed is plan for my cheat day. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!! While I don't totally pig out, I do actually make a plan to have something that will be a particularly enjoyable treat to reward my "obsession."
  • rachelcordova
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I go through spurts of obsession. Sometimes it's really bad, I feel like all I think about is calories! I know it's good to be aware of what you eat, but I know it's also probably not healthy to become obsessed with it. I'm glad you brought this up, I'm interested in hearing what others have to say. It would be nice to know how other people keep it from becoming a problem, if that's something other people have input on.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I have been. And I think a bit of obsession with your health is ok.....but within reason....25 cals over is not a big deal....but 500 might be. I would give yourself some wiggle room.....remember stress can make it tough to lose too......and this is a lifetime change, do you wanna be freakin yourself out all the time? Just go with flow and do your thing girl.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I have totally felt the obsession lately. Counting calories worked for me for so long, but lately I feel like it makes me think about food ALL the time. Though I'm not sure the culprit is counting calories for me, but my wedding next month. Rather than it being a goal to strive for, it has put all this crazy pressure on me to lose more weight. I'm taking the next month or two off from counting, I'm just going to try to eat well....I've been doing it for a couple days and so far I do feel less focused on food, so hopefully it works.

    I agree with what someone above said though, take a cheat day, that may help you to look forward to getting back on track after taking a day off.
  • eharvey
    While im not a professional i see no problem with the obsession. My old obsession was food and had it for my whole life. So now my obsession is to watch what i eat as tightly as possible. I will not go back to being fat and if its called an obsession then so be it.

    Just keep losing the weight you need.
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    I have the same problem! Now that I know how easy it is to gain weight and how difficult to lose I freak out over every little calorie I go over my limit. So far the only way I found to deal with it is to tell myself that I'll make up for it by giving a little extra in my workout the next day. If anyone else has advice I'd love to hear it!
  • vivomatic
    I can totally understand. Since I turned 40, it seems like I can be rigid all week to lose 2 lbs and have one splurge on the weekend and gain one pound back. My friends give me a hard time, but if I'm not really strict, I don't lose as much as I would like, and it is very depressing. I think in the beginning you have to be a little obsessive or you cannot develop the habits and patterns you need to be successful in the future. I used a Body Bugg faithfully last year and lost 40 lbs, but got relaxed after a trip to Hawaii in February and gained 17 back. I am now being stricter than ever and have lost another 8 lbs, but it is hard. Calorie counting has been the only successful tool I have every used, along with exercise. You know your body best, and know if you are being "honest" or "cheating" a little on the calorie counts. Just be sure to drink a lot of water, and don't go below 1200 calories. The time to loosen up will be after you meet your goal weight! Good luck!
  • FIREfitGrl27
    I understand where you are coming from here. I think it's great to be aware of what's going with your body and if that means being obsessed with counting calories, eating healthy, measuring food, working out, etc than it is what it is. I think there was a comment above about before when the obsession was geared towards the wrong type of thinking when it came to food. I remember that state of mind when I was obsessed with eating bad things and I might not even have realized it. I like being a bit obsessed when it comes to doing what I do here at MFP because it's helping me get healthier.
    With that, I think you have to be reasonable...a few calories over is not going to be the end. You have to talk yourself out of this of course because I know I freak out when I go over a few calories's just the way you're thinking now. No, you're not going to gain from a few calories over. Also you have to realize you're working towards a goal and like working towards any goals you're going to have those bumps here and there...when you go over a bit that's just a bump and it's not a big bump..think about what you were doing before and imagine how many calories you probably consumed and went waaay over before you started MFP. Just keep in mind that you're doing much better than what you use to do! :)