Cheat meals and water retention ?

I have been eating 1 cheat meal per week. I have noticed on the day after this meal I weigh about a pound more so I figured its water. But this week that 1 extra pound never came off and this morning after this weeks cheat meal last night I am another pound heavier! I have been reading around trying to find the answer, I really hope I am not gaining fat but if it's water then shouldn't it have come off? Am trying not to panic about it but I'm sure you can relate to the sinking feeling when the scale goes up and not down. I am eating 15% less than TDEE as I don't have a lot loose. Is it at all possible that the gain in weight is muscle from strength training which I am new to?


  • craigheon
    craigheon Posts: 167 Member
    It is just water retention, most likely from the high amounts of sodium. Don't panic, it will come back off!