Turbo FIre workouts - vigorous or moderate intensity?


I am trying to hit the guidelines for minutes of activity level needed and I am presently doing Turbo Fire (combined with strength training), I'm wondering if it would be seen as a moderate or vigorous activity level?

Guidelines: http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/everyone/guidelines/adults.html#Aerobic

What are your experiences with it? Would you qualify it as moderate or vigorous?



  • Hi! Obviously it depends on how much intensity you put into it. To me, Turbo Fire is vigorous activity. But, if you don't push yourself very hard or you modify, it would be moderate. Hope you enjoy the program. I know I did :smile:
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    It's definitely up to you.