Satisfied with smaller portions of favorite treats?



  • Bagelsan
    I have an easier time just not eating most sugary things, rather than trying to eat just a bit of them. The time I crave a cookie most is ...right after I eat a cookie. It's like my taste buds suddenly remember what sugar tastes like once I have a bite, and instantly scream for more! Skipping desserts altogether is usually best for me, because it's "out of sight, out of mind."

    But when I *do* try to eat a small amount of a sweet, I focus on something high-quality and very flavorful in a small container -- a single scoop of raspberry sorbet in a cute little bowl with a teeny spoon and my full attention (savor it!) is more satisfying than half a gallon of off-brand vanilla ice cream while distractedly watching cat videos, yanno? Make it delicious and make it last a while rather than just wolfing it down and it will seem like a more complete dessert experience. :)
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I find I do MUCH better when the portion is already measured for me. Not that I don't know how to use a measuring cup or spoons, or a scale, but I'm way less tempted to sneak in an extra spoonful of something if it meant I had to open another package.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    A lot of great replies here. I think it will be a decision only you can make for yourself. Different things drive different people to do things. I have found now that I am more aware of the calories, I am less apt to grab the doritos if there is something healthier available to me. However, if I really want the doritos, I just have the single serving and fit it into my caloric intake for the day.