75 Day Kick -Off!!!

I am going to try to kick off 40 # in 75 days! I know that sounds unachievable but review "The Biggest Looser" episodes. I also have done it before and know I can do it again. Discipline and focus are the keys.
I have an extremely stressful job....so bad that it has caused me to pack on 25 pounds this winter. I live where it is so cold you just go to work and home in the winter. Stress and sedentary lifestyle I gain 25# every winter...So today I have declared the first day of my 75 day challenge. If I can loose 40 pounds (I had some to loose before) I am going to reward myself with a tropical vacation. So let the games begin!!!
I would love to have some Kick-Off Buddies to support each other through this and share strategies, menu plans, snack ideas etc.
Any one interested?