First Day!

Hi I am Michelle. I am 5'6 weigh 159 pounds and looking to get down to 145. I started strength training 2x week and cardio 4x week at the end of December and have not lost a pound. My doctor recommended Fitness Pal (she recently loss 50 lbs using it and looks amazing!) so here I am! I hope tracking my food intake will help get these pounds off!


  • Hi Michelle~
    It is frustrating if we don't see that scale showing rewards of our hard work. I am curious do you see a difference in the fit of your clothing?
  • Hi, I'm new here. I feel your frustration. It's very depressing when that scale isn't moving fast enough for us. I started here one week ago and have only just started to see a little progress. Even though the scale wasn't showing progress, my clothes are definitely fitting my waist looser. Are you sure you are taking in enough calories to compensate for the added exercise? If not, your body will hold onto reserves. Also important you're drinking enough water, too.