Added up my daily intake-WAY over ate. HELP!

I have been so good! But sometimes it just hits me and I can't help binging! I've been eating the amount that my fitness pal recommends, but it still leaves me starving sometimes and it all hits me at once.
Any tips on how to avoid the break downs? And how to recover from them?


  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Try eating a bit more protein in your meals and less sugary carbs....this might help satisfy you :) Good Luck
  • KayKGee98
    Try drinking a few cups of water before you eat and during meals as well. And maybe even after you eat so you stay full.

    I know exactly how you feel! I went way over today to=/ It Sucks!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    there's always going to be an adjustment period to a change in eating habits. Look for foods that are higher in longer digesting macro nutrients, as sassie said, protein is a good one, also complex carbs are good as long as they contain high fiber concentrations. It can be a bit of a game to find things that keep you full, just be diligent in your process, you'll find foods that help and eventually your body will adjust to the change in calories.
  • elzettel
    I have these days too. I second the protein. As you go you'll learn what fills you up and satisfies. As for right've logged what you ate and are disappointed but tomorrow is a new day. I found when I started the calorie goal was such a big drop from what I was used to that I would often go over. It's about getting your body used to a new way of life and it can be a slow process. Don't beat yourself up and just keep pluggin' along. For me, the good days far, far, far outweigh the bad ones now.
  • josh6603
    The water tip works. When i first started this site i had the same problem. I would be insanely hungry after reaching my calorie allotment. I would drink 10 to 20 oz of water after a meal and that would help satiate my hunger. It takes a few weeks for your body to adjust to not getting all the calories it wants (or got used to for that matter).
  • Dawn_2013
    Great advice! More protein, less carbs, especially the ones with the high glycemic index (ie they break down to sugar then FAT faster!!!!) Google "glycemic index" will show you a list of foods that are not so good. Hint: the higher the number, the less bang for your calorie buck! I said less carbs, not NO need carbs or your brain turns to mush.

    Anyway, I have hungry times too...and once in a while I wwat a bit more and sometimes I need to. Often if I have been super good and have a hungry night, I eat a bit more and for some weird reason it kicks up my weight loss. Maybe your body was just saying, keep me out of 'starvation mode' who knows?:flowerforyou:
  • Jillid71
    Jillid71 Posts: 38 Member
    You know, we all have good days and bad days, and many of us have binge days. The most important thing is to not get discouraged by them. Own those mistakes, accept them, and start again the next day. The more you own them, the more you become aware- you will soon realize the triggers that lead to binging- and then you can recognize and replace the eating with healthier habits- like the aforementioned water drinking, or going for a walk- or coming here for support. Best of luck to you!!
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    Are you hungry as is rumbly in your tumbly or hungry as in there's a taste you can't pin down in the back of your throat and everything smells like food even things that aren't actually food?

    A rumbly in your tumbly is just part of your body clock informing you that this is the time of day/night when it usually receives food. It is not necessarily attached to actual hunger which is a craving flavor in the back of your mouth. It can be retrained, just like your sleeping schedule if you are consistent, just as with your sleeping schedule. And then you will only feel a rumbly when it's the right times to eat.

    Reminding myself that rumble is nothing more than the result of poor munching habits helps me ignore it and wait until I am actually hungry. Within a week my food intake clock is back to how it should be.
  • John8188
    Two things I like to do are serve my food on lettuce or raw spinach. it fills you up and gives you fiber. I also like to go for a bike ride for an hour. You can burn over 400 cals just for a nice hour long bike ride.
  • raytae89
    Thanks everyone! very helpful and encouraging! I've been doing a lot better. Trying to up my protein intake-because i love meat ;) and brushing my teeth after dinner so when I get the munchies I'm not tempted.
    Thanks for all the great advice!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The key to feeling satiated after a meal is to ensure it includes not only protein, but a good amount of fiber and a little fat, as well. The combination will keep you full for hours.

    My three favorite breakfasts that I can eat at 7 a.m. and will hold me until lunch (all under 300 calories):

    High fiber whole wheat toast with peanut butter
    Oat bran cereal cooked in 8th Continent light vanilla soy milk with cinnamon (an appetite suppressant) and peanut butter
    Kashi GoLean with yogurt instead of milk
  • healthygrl
    healthygrl Posts: 33 Member
    Yeah, I second brushing your teeth right after dinner. I actually floss, brush and use mouthwash. Who wants to floss twice in one night?!?! :bigsmile:
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    The problem is, when you want to binge you don't want meat or veggies. Carbohydrate cravings happen. I used to get them, too. They are due to the serotonin level in your brain. That's why anti- depressants make you fat - they raise the serotonin your brain.

    Precription amphetamines reduce the craving as they raise levels of norepinephrine and dopamine. But, they are not good for your heart long term. I solved my cravings by starting on Wellbutrin which raises serotonin and dopamine. Most people lose weight on this antidepressant. It is also used for people trying to stop smoking because it helps with those cravings, too.
  • raytae89
    Hey! that's the weird thing about my cravings, i normally want to binge on things like meat and cheese. noooo idea why. even though it's better than binging on cookies and ice cream, i still need to restrain myself from consuming a lot of these high calorie items