Anyone Look Back At What They Eat In Shock



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    Dairy Queen Blizzard - Georgia Mud Fudge size large: 1,180 calories!! I have not been to DQ in a long, long time.

    NOT saying you should go running back to DQ ;-) But I love their blizzards in the mini size, I find that more satisfying than almost any bad-for-you treat around and they're mostly between 370-520 cal. The fruit based (such as strawberry or banana) varieties are lowest. My husband and I get these once a month or so. Yummy.

    Or this gem, from a food diary in 2008: FIVE cans of soda. I drink soda on very rare occasions, now.

    ETA: and very little water. Ugh. Glad that's not me anymore.

    Oh good call...I forgot to address water and soda in my post. I stopped drinking regular non-diet soda in college 15 yrs ago...BUT I used to drink 2-4 cans of diet soda every day and NO water at all. Now I drink primarily water, at least 64 oz per day and 2-3 cans of diet soda per WEEK. I gave it up for months but I find that 2-3 cans a week makes me happy.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I could eat an entire large Pizza Hut pizza by myself! I can't believe it! And the sad part is that if I went back to eating the way I use to, I think I could work my way back up to that within a few weeks. I ate fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and went to Dairy Queen every single night for a large double fudge cookie dough blizzard! I loved icecream! So glad I stopped ruining my body!

    I'm just trying to wrap my head around what a large double fudge chocolate cookie dough blizzard is.

    It's like a mcflurry (yum) but
    It's all chocolate
    it has double chocolate fudge cookie dough in it
    double chocolate cookies are chocolate cookies that have choc chips in them as well
    if it's choc fudge cookie it's probably made using a half ratio of melted chocolate in the dough

    Btw, I used to consume a whole 300g bar of chocolate by melting it into a cup of flour and guiltily consuming it / spooning it into the trash
  • eadebeaux
    eadebeaux Posts: 9 Member
    I've always been a big eater. I am finally at a point in my life where I am just disgusted with myself by the way I have been eating, and I am so done with it. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy a cheeseburger, blizzard, etc. ONCE in a WHILE...but I craved things ALL THE TIME...a lot of emotional eating going on from stress, boredom, etc. I would literally get excited at the thought of planning where I would go out to eat, or fix at home, and already had it in my mind that I would just eat and eat and eat. It was self-medicating for me, but it temporarily made me feel excited and happy. The downfall, was that I would wake up in the middle of the night, laying in bed, and beating myself up for gaining weight and engrossing myself in so much food each day, and feeling like a fat slob. (Not to mention heartburn, indigestion, etc.). Then I would turn around and do it the next day! I amaze myself at how smart and dumb I can be at times...LOL...for instance, I have so much self awareness, yet, I would start to watch my calories, and then if I ended up going out to eat and started thinking of all the yummy things I could order, appetizers, main course, dessert, etc. eating them, and then figuring that my day was shot because of how much I just ate, so I might as well not even bother to exercise that day. ??? This continued for a LONG time...I had this philosophy that if I was going to eat too much, or go over my calories in one meal, then why should I even bother to workout that day...Well...not anymore!!! So DONE with that nonsense! Totally mind over matter. I do very well when I have my mind in the right place and take control over the crazy cravings. It's the late night cravings for salt and/or sugar that are hard for me right now...but so far, I am doing good.
  • guenthcs
    That is an amazing amount of food! But on a bet I could prob almost do it too. How much weight have you lost?
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I will still eat an entire pizza from time to time, or the occasional dozen krispy kremes, or pints of ice cream, or......... The shock is gone for me now. I know what I can and can't do. I know the consequences. I know the time invested in weight loss and gain.
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    I was also terrible for going out with the girlfriends and getting dessert. I'd get a hot chocolate with whipped cream and Bailey's (probably like 400 calories) and a dessert like apple pie or cheesecake. My favourite was Apple Pie at Joey's, and when I looked that up on myfitnesspal it's 1050 calories and 55 grams of fat. Crazy!

    On the other hand, some of the food I felt guilty eating weren't as bad as I thought once I started logging calories. Fat Frank's hot dog is only 230 calories and BLT (another weakness of mine) is only 370.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Yes! Until recently I used to stock up each Sunday for the week and pack my desk drawers...hidden away of course, with junk. Double Stuff Oreos, Reese's PB Cups, Doritos, Cheetos, so much junk. Blows my mind. I'm shocked I'm not diabetic or on cholesterol/bp meds.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    TOPIC: Anyone Look Back At What They Eat In Shock

    Do you mean, like, last year, or last night?

    Dairy Queen Blizzard - Georgia Mud Fudge size large: 1,180 calories!! I have not been to DQ in a long, long time.

    I cut back from a medium to a small Georgia Mud Fudge. And not every Sunday night, anymore. I don't think my family is too happy with that.....
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Sometimes. I remember eating a big bowl of ice cream & then I would put a ton of cereal on top. Sometimes instead of the cereal I would put two or three pieces of cake on it or a lot of cookies.

    I could eat six pieces of pizza at a time & probably more.

    I basically would eat a ton of junk food in general & would eat around three to four pieces of lasagna, big bowls of spaghetti, and tons of french fries.
  • AutumnFrostfall
    AutumnFrostfall Posts: 25 Member
    Even in the last year I'm surprised. (I just found out I have a gluten sensitivity - guess what I was always having?)

    Thinking about what I was eating to get to my highest weight.... I can't imagine eating like that ever again. All that stuff (Mostly fast food / junk food) wouldn't taste good to me now.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Yes. When we are younger we get away with eating bad things! I put on weight in 2013 because I was eating out at restaurants too much ( and not exercising enough ) and doing my horrible 1 hour commute twice a week to school. When I was 16, I ate way worse things at fast food restaurants and barely put on weight. Obviously I wasn't a stick but if I had a few months of triple cheeseburgers and large fries, my weight didn't change all too much. I maintained for the most part.

    I would not maintain on what I ate when I was 16 lol.