questions about calories and force?

Should I force myself to eat if I am under my calorie goal? It tells me my daily goal is 3508, my total is at 640 and I have earned 1608. I eat if I am hungry, and I don't feel right if I force myself to eat. I am taking lots of vitamines and minerals to replace the intake that I should have. I have energy, go to the gym 6-7 days a week for about an hour or 2 and have 4 kids that keep me busy as well. I have noticed a weight loss in the 2 weeks that I started going to the gym, and my muscles are being worked as well as cardio. Before this 2 weeks, I was not that active, just the regular activities and weighed 280, I have dropped to under 260, and have more energy and feel better than I have in a long time, with out eating as much. Any help would be great.