Feeling deflated :(



  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member

    So basically for the past month I have been dieting by cutting calories and working out 6 times a week with a mix of cardio & strength training.

    I Have lost weight according to the scales however this fluctuates weekly and nobody has noticed that I have lost anything which is really upsetting. I am still in the same clothes which although feel slightly looser around my bottom are still tight everywhere else. I went to the Hair Salon today and saw myself in a full length mirror and just wanted to cry :( I despise my body and how it looks I wasn't expecting to look skinny but I really thought I would have felt different now. I am getting married this April and am so nervous about the way I will look. I feel so disappointed, I don't know what I am doing wrong? I have done so well cutting out all junk food and eating plenty of fruit veggies and lean meats, I have been much more active and working my butt off with exercise. Any advice would be so helpful as at the minute I just feel trapped.

    x x

    A couple of things to point out which is the truth as i don't do the support nonsense that most go for

    Do not judge your progress in the mirror i lost 37lbs and for most of that didn't think i looked any different only every know and then did i think i had lost weight, i never understood anorexia before but the mind is a very strange thing, you look at the negatives, but you will have a moment when you think wow i have changed

    I work with people day in day out and most have never mentioned my weight loss but recently i saw some friends i hadn't seen for months and they were shocked how much weight i had lost

    And lastly the first part of weight loss is a lot of water, once you get past the stone mark(14lbs) your body will slim down noticeably, if you haven't done so take a picture and compare each month you will see it, the camera never lies but your mind does

    Your doing very well the only thing that can halt your progress is the doubts in your head
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    9 lbs in a month is amazing! It takes awhile for others to really notice and even then, not everyone may want to say something because they may not be exactly sure what the change is.

    It took my husband 20 lbs to actually say he could finally see a change. People that did not see me as much could tell sooner but it was still probably around the 15 pound mark before I got any comments. Just remember you are nine pounds closer to your goal and keep reminding yourself you will get there if you keep with it.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Congrats on your success in your weight loss, beautiful kids and up and coming wedding. That's all so exciting.

    My mum didn't say anything to me until I'd lost about 15kgs/ 30 odd pounds and even then it was only because someone else said something at the same time. Sometimes people are too scared to say anything because are worried it may offend.

    Sometimes we worry so much about what the number on the scale is saying but forget that we have achieved so many other things when losing weight. For me it's things like I can now go for a run where before I couldn't walk very far and I don't feel tired during the day as I never had any energy. Playing with the kids is no much more fun, last night we played under the sprinklers for ages before I would have only watched the kids and not joined in.

    Just remember it needs to be about how you feel about yourself. You're doing great.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I lost over 25 lb. before anyone noticed and commented. Remember that people who see you all the time probably won't notice gradual change, even if it's big. And if you're in the northern hemisphere (except for the tropics), winter clothes don't help. Your success is impressive; just keep at it! It can help to take progress photos every 4-6 weeks, so you can see how you're changing.