Men only...

This site seems to be dominated by the fairer sex. I was just wondering is there anything guys need to be aware of in particular. Plus I would like to friend a few guys. The wife may think this is a pick up site if I just have female friends...


  • kangaroo33
    kangaroo33 Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry, saw men only and felt compelled to see what the deal was....I'm obviously not a man.

    Funny, I can see how/why your wife would think worries.

    See, there's already a dude that's responded...funny comment, too jeoporta.
  • zippie2223
    zippie2223 Posts: 37 Member
    This is the picture that made me want to lose weight. The wife and I went on a buggy ride. She isn't trying to pick me up, she is being squashed. Some of the problem is I still don't think of myself as fat.
    Then I see a pic of myself or I ask a friend about his weight, someone I see as fat, and he tell me a weight that 10 or 15 pounds lighter then me.
  • khurrambutt
    khurrambutt Posts: 260 Member
    You can add me sir
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    You can do it! (No, that's not a pickup line.)
  • Welcome aboard. Friend request sent.
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    Sorry, had to peek in :happy: *is not nosy* lol
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    This site seems to be dominated by the fairer sex. I was just wondering is there anything guys need to be aware of in particular. Plus I would like to friend a few guys. The wife may think this is a pick up site if I just have female friends...

    Need to add male friends to keep the ratio even, probably for the same reason as you. Friend request sent
  • I couldn't help myself!
  • Sporin71
    Sporin71 Posts: 9 Member
    Started today, hit my highest weight ever this morning and decided that there's no time like the present. I'm off to the local Rec Center this morning to get a family membership and my first workout in.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    I am doing this for myself and my son, friend request sent
  • idsk
    idsk Posts: 16
    Feel free to add me too,
    My wife will also be suspicious if I've too many female 'friends' on here
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Last time I checked I am a man......unless you are in the 20+ female lingerie success stories for support thread.....then I'm a woman.....either way....If you aren't easily offended you can add me. Not that I would ever insult you directly but easily offended people always find something I say offensive.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member

    lol..i love it when you comment!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Awww. I'm sorry you felt like you were squashing your wife. Hopefully she just felt like it was a backwards hug.

    (((frontwardshugsforyou))) or backwards. whichever is less innapropriate. there are tons of awesome men on this site who have a great cameraderie and support each other in a manly way.

    i'm glad you are seeking out male members. i am too sometimes.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member

    Hey fella, I like the cut of your jib...and also them sensible lifting shoes you got on. If it's okay with your mom and pop, you wanna maybe get an ice cream soda some time? (And before you ask...yes, my favorite flavor is banana because, well...obviously.)

    ps. Banana flavored ice cream sodas are a thing...right?
  • tombetlej
    tombetlej Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome, Zippie. Friend request sent.
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    Last time I checked i was a guy. I also have a fairly serious amount of weight left to go. Feel free to add me.
  • Garfy117
    Garfy117 Posts: 30 Member
    Man checking in here - feel free to add.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    Yeah, my wife made some similar comments. We definitely need to balance out the ratio here.

    Friend request sent.