Numb toes?

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone else's toes and ball of their foot go numb when going for a walk/job etc? I'm good for the first couple of kilometres but after that my toes go numb (usually only in one foot, sometimes both) and it's quite painful to walk on. I've got awesome walking shoes so I guess I can rule that out.

Does anyone else suffer from this? And what can I do to help prevent it?


Stace :)


  • jeneferphillips89
    I have a similar issue but my toes go numb when I am working out on the elliptical. I'm far from a medical professional but I came to the conclusion that it had something to do with the way I was 'pushing down' on my feet. The fact that when I was working out on this elliptical I would push the majority of my weight onto the outsides of my feet. ImI'm pretty sure that my problem was that I was simply cutting off the circulation to these toes. I started paying closer attention to how iI held my feet and how I pushed my weight down on them and my issue was resolved. It might not be what your issue is, but I hope it helps anyways.
  • lemonyposset
    lemonyposset Posts: 31 Member
    I'm not a runner, but I get this all the time on the elliptical & the stationary bike.
    I thought at first I had my laces tied too tight but loosening them didn't make any difference.

    I do think it's as the previous poster says and it's to do with the pressure on your feet. Unfortunately, I've not been able to come up with a solution so just have to suffer. Adjusting my foot position doesn't seem to work.

    I'd love to know if anyone has any bright ideas.
  • KyRiedy
    KyRiedy Posts: 8 Member
    I also had this problem for a while but it went away when I bought better shoes.
  • LauraBest2013
    LauraBest2013 Posts: 50 Member
    I get this too despite having proper running/training shoes that were specifically fitted for my feet. Bizarre.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    From regular walking? You may want to check a physical check up. Numbness from just regular walking might be a concern.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I get this too, and it feel like loss of circulation, as opposed to nerve compression, which was my initial concern. However, since the tingles go away rather quickly and I don't have lasting pain, my guess (for me) is that it's because I have fat feet/ankles and running shoes cause me to compress around blood vessels. I am not a doctor, though, so I have no idea. Just a guess from my own training.
  • janinab75
    janinab75 Posts: 147 Member
    It happens to me on the elliptical and bike as well, stationary bike and when I'm cycling long distances outside. I always thought it had to do with where I was exerting pressure on my feet, but I have not idea. As soon as I stop, though it goes away. It never becomes painful, I just lose feeling in the area if I keep it up long enough.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Does it happen if you don't wear shoes?