Exercise Fuel

I would really appreciate some ideas for a light but energy producing breakfast. I'm not much of a breakfast eater- my stomach tends to not be ready to eat until I've been awake for a couple hours. I'm trying to get in the habit of getting up at a decent time, eating breakfast, and going to exercise. Is it better to eat something before exercising? Or just wait until after?

Either way I know breakfast is the most important meal and those who eat it are healthier and have better control over their weight. Even if I could get in the habit of grabbing something before I go to work that would be a great start! So what do you guys and gals eat in the morning?


  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    I've the same problem as you, not feeling ready to eat until I've been up for a couple hours. My doctor actually told me she would rather see me wake up and eat a snickers candy bar, than nothing at all. Something to boost the metabolism I guess. Since starting MFP, I have forced myself to eat when I get up. I work 3rd shift, so I wake about 8pm, I hit the shower, then have breakfast. Usually oatmeal, or eggs, or cereal, maybe peanut butter on toast. Something... It has taken some getting used to, but now I actually look forward to it. JMO
  • christopherphillips1983
    Oatmeal is cheap, relatively good for you (affected by what, if anything, you put in it, of course), and also stays with you for a long time; it won't just burn off and leave you hungry again an hour later. It also doesn't take long to make.

    I personally prefer to eat after I exercise, rather than beforehand. Whether I'm doing strength training or cardio, doing it on a full stomach makes me hate myself.