What are some HEALTHY choices if eating fast food??



  • my advice, be prepared. keep almonds, protein bars, fruit, and water with you. and there is a restaurant app on my ipod, that lets me look at tons of menus and their nutritional value before i even go. i decide what i'm going to have before i get there, and don't even look at the menu to give myself a chance to change my mind. don't set yourself up for failure, set yourself up for success. it's all about planning a little ahead. yes, it takes a little more effort on your part, but you've worked so hard to get to this point, isn't the little extra effort worth it?
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I would skip the fast food all together, and just pack the correct portion sizes ALREADY COOKED for the weekend. You really won't slip if you don't want to. Just plan ahead, and pack the food you'll need, or just pack cooked meat and buy fruits and veggies as you go.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    If I end up at a burger place, I will go for a "junior" burger without cheese or mayo. Look for sides like salads or potato. Avoid the fries, avoid any fried chicken. At Wendy's, I will often get a junior burger and a small chili.
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Applebee's has the 'Under 550 calorie' dinners and they are bomb!
    If you must eat in the car, they have the 'Carside to go'
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Chipoltes......I think that is how you spell it.......all the ingredients are made onsiite, the guy who started it, was on TV recently, and literally, you can eat there guilt free.....they guy who started it is a health nut.......

    I live in Texas, its kinda South West/ Mexican fare............
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Why does it have to be from a fast food chain? Most supermarkets will have either a salad bar or else prepared foods that are fairly healthy. For example, when I need to eat on the road,my favorite "fast food" is a sushi roll if it's available, already packaged. Of course you gotta trust the store to get raw fish! Whole Foods does make a pretty good spicy tuna with avocado & cucumber roll, that you can get with either white or brown rice and it is pretty hearty. Other favorite quick grabs of mine include a rotisserie chicken breast, and for a side I will get either a bean salad, or will grab a carton of grape tomatoes or a bag of pre-chopped veggies from the produce isle. Sometimes I just get a big juicy apple instead of the veggies. The possibilities are endless!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Chipoltes......I think that is how you spell it.......all the ingredients are made onsiite, the guy who started it, was on TV recently, and literally, you can eat there guilt free.....they guy who started it is a health nut.......

    I live in Texas, its kinda South West/ Mexican fare............

    Here's a Chipotle food calculator

    For a burrito the calories are INSANE as is the sodium.

    Tortilla, rice, black beans, chicken, pico de gallo, hot salsa, cheese, guac, lettuce = 1,045 calories, 42g Fat, 13g Saturated Fat, 145 mg cholesterol, 2,790mg SODIUM, 111g carbs.

    You have to REALLY watch it when you order there. The Burrito Bol is slightly better but cut out the rice, cheese and guac for less salt :)

    EDIT: That's TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY milligrams of sodium
  • lilscuder
    lilscuder Posts: 88 Member
    1 El Pollo Chicken Pollo Bowl. 7 gms. of fat. I think around 380 calories. Very filling. I add Cilantro, Milld Sauce and Avacaodo sauce. It's watered down, so not really to fattening, if you even like or need that. The Sofe Chicken Taco's "Fresco style" are only 4 gms of fat each. But, I still think the Polo Bowl is much more satisfying & filling. Even though you don't feel like Subway, It can't be beat for 1/2 on Wheat , No cheese Sweet Onion Terriaki. I love it, and it to is filling & satisying. Good Luck this wk-end. Have A Good One !
  • lilscuder
    lilscuder Posts: 88 Member
    1 El Pollo Chicken Pollo Bowl. 7 gms. of fat. I think around 380 calories. Very filling. I add Cilantro, Milld Sauce and Avacaodo sauce. It's watered down, so not really to fattening, if you even like or need that. The Sofe Chicken Taco's "Fresco style" are only 4 gms of fat each. But, I still think the Polo Bowl is much more satisfying & filling. Even though you don't feel like Subway, It can't be beat for 1/2 on Wheat , No cheese Sweet Onion Terriaki. I love it, and it to is filling & satisying. Good Luck this wk-end. Have A Good One !
  • andeeinevansville
    Chipoltes......I think that is how you spell it.......all the ingredients are made onsiite, the guy who started it, was on TV recently, and literally, you can eat there guilt free.....they guy who started it is a health nut.......

    I live in Texas, its kinda South West/ Mexican fare............

    We have those in Indianapolis, and I go there every other weekend, so I will definately check them out..I've eaten there before, but wasn't worrying about what I was eating at that time...
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    If I know I am going to be gone, packing my own meals works so much better as I can account for every ingredient and I know it is some thing that I like! There are so many salad options and sandwich wraps using the low cal stuff that your options are endless. PLUS you save money!
  • Squash97
    I'm going on a couple of vacations soon and was wondering the same thing. I went and got the book "Eat this, Not That". It gives you a great idea of what the best choices are at popular restaurants. I'm going to take it on my trips and keep it with me so that I can pull it up when we eat. Good luck!
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    chic-fil-a's grilled chicken salad is 180 calories.
    arby's regular roast beef is 350 calories.
    braum's grilled chicken sandwich is 330 calories.
    jason's deli has a GREAT salad bar with lots of organic veggies (don't eat those EVIL mini muffins at 90 calories each).
    souper salad's veggie soup is about 150 calories per mug.

    not sure what healthy means to you (just low cal?), but those are some favorites. also, i'd pack some fruit/veggies for sides. resist the fries!!! :O)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Zaxby's grilled house salad with no fried onions or toast is filling. I get the lite vinaigrette which is only 35 calories. Also if you have a McAllister's deli the Sweet Chipolte Chicken salad is yummy and around 450 calories with the dressing.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I ALWAYS pack a cooler when I'm traveling. Pack some yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, bag up some veggies, etc. If I'm going to my Inlaws I make sure to cook up some chicken breasts or take those packets of tuna packed in water for some good protein. Or get a Larabar or other healthy not processed snack bar. A baggie of almonds or other nuts are great to snack on too and easy to keep in your purse. It's really not hard and will be SO much healthier than driving through.

    The last time I had fast food (which is VERY rare!), it was Wendy's. They will sub a baked potato or chili instead of fries. I got the grilled chicken sandwich (and did NOT eat the bun and asked for NO sauce so it was basically just chicken breast w/ tomato and lettuce) and then I got a plain baked potato and I got a coffee instead of soda.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Do any of you guys have a Cheddars? I've looked all over the internet for some nutritional info on it and can't find any anywhere!! I never know what to get!:frown:

    I've been to Cheddars (wish we had one here but it is probably good for me that we don't!) and it seems comparable food-wise to Chili's (the food is better than Chili's but I would put the nutrition info at about the same).

    Fast food ideas:
    1) Get kids meals... preferably with the healthy side (apples, oranges, apple sauce)
    2) Wendy's: Mandarin Chicken Salad without crispy noodles, chargrilled chicken sandwich, side salad and chili
    3) McDonalds: Bacon Ranch Chicken Salad, cheeseburger with apple dippers and milk or with fruit & yogurt salad
    4) Taco Bell Fresco tacos
    5) Chick Fil A!!!!!! :) Chicken noodle soup (though it is LOADED with sodium), Chicken nuggets with side salad or fruit
    6) Arbys or roast beef, just a plain roast beef sandwich is good

    If I knew I was going to be out all day, I'd probably throw a few pieces of fruit and some water in the car, then run through a drive-thru for the "entree". That will save you money and some calories too!
  • Sevenm
    I say try to exist as is fast foods didn't exist and find a solution. What did people do before the fast food chains arrived and they had to travel or be away from home all day. There is plenty to eat from a simple banana to preparing things to eat while you're away. I eat a vegan diet which makes it 100 times more of a challenge and I can always throw something in a bag before I leave. Often it's just something delicious that we had the night before and had leftovers. You might not like what I like but i'm sure that you will eventually compile quite a list of things to eat. Sometimes I make up a batch of Thai Sweet Black Rice or Quinoa which is really fast and easy. I can add lots of things to this. Spinach and Classico Spicy Red Pepper Tomato Sauce for example. Also I love to put blueberries, pineapple and cinnamon with soy milk in a container and its outstanding! You can do it!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Chick-fil-a's Southwest chargrilled chicken salad with the berry balsamic dressing is my favorite. The salad is 240 calories and the dressing is 140 for the whole pack. It's very filing and lots of flavor.
  • oddgirlout
    I would have to echo a lot of what has been said regarding preparing ahead of time. I usually spend two to three hours cutting up veggies, fruits and boiling eggs for the week on Sunday to make sure I choose the right things to eat. If for some reason I am forced to grab something on the go, I like:

    Tropical Smoothie Cafe: The have low calorie smoothies that can be made with splenda for a refreshing treat. You can also add supplements if you need them. Almost all the sandwiches. salads and wraps are are about 500 to 600 calories.

    Rubio's Fresh Mexican Grill: They have several healthmex options but I really enjoy the healthmex chicken taco for only 130 calories.

    Lifetime Fitness: If you are a member of this gym they have a wonderful cafe where there is nothing on the menu that isn't healthy. Mine is right by my work and I often stop in for lunch.

    If you have a few minutes to sit down I really like:

    Sushi Kee: One of the best sushi restaurants in AZ in my humble opinion and I am just getting reacquainted with fish.

    Old Chicago: They have a new Thai Steak Wrap that is around 600 calories

    Pita Jungle: Half of the turkey pesto lavosh wrap is delish and about 600 calories.
  • Curtism1234
    Curtism1234 Posts: 73 Member
    A lot of people will disagree, but the Taco Bell bean burrito will fill you and only 340-370 calories.