30 Day Shred, Halfway Through w/No Results?

I'm a 24 year old female, 120lbs, 5'4''. I don't care how much I weigh, but I definitely want to get in shape and look good without my clothes on. I've always been pretty slender my whole life, I've just kind of struggled with a flabby belly that's painfully embarrassing when I pull my shirt off. It's not like a pot belly or anything, honestly it just kind of reminds me of a mixture of a bit of bloating/loose skin. Anyway, I eat pretty clean and I keep it under 1300 calories.

I started the 30 Day Shred on January 16th (my first attempt at working out since high school) and although I don't want to quit the program, it's pretty depressing to look in the mirror and see absolutely no change in my body. My stamina has definitely gone up, but no visual progress as of yet.

It sucks because I feel like I'm soooo close to a bikini body. Really, so close. (Not to mention I have a big event on Valentine's Day that I would have LOVED to be in shape by...) I just need to tighten up. Does anyone have any tips or words of encouragement? Anyone been through the same thing and magically have a great turn-around at the end of the program?


  • elonwyhickey
    It took me til about half way through to actually see a difference as opposed to just feeling it. It would be weird cause I would feel so much more fit and then look in the mirror and be like "what, how come I don't look how I feel?" I would stick with it and make sure you're really giving it your all.
  • lorarte
    lorarte Posts: 56 Member
    You will be building muscle and also shifting internal body fat, which has not great impact on how you look outside. Stick with it, honestly, if you do the 30 days you WILL see a difference. Give it the very best effort you can and if you want to, add more weight/resistance to the strength exercises. I would also recommend her abs workout, it's 40 minutes long but really does burn the fat and your belly will be on fire after it.
  • Iwantchange_22
    Iwantchange_22 Posts: 49 Member
    You should be on level 2 by now. if your doing the dvd and not sweating profusely and struggling to standup, your not doing it right!

    the 30 day shred burns around 300 calories, depending on your size. So make sure your not eating too much food.

    Also, too much salt can cause fluid retention. Take measurements and be patient! :)

    make sure you eat back your exercise calories!! and don't eat below 1200 as a base.