My Biggest Benefits From Food Tracking

One big reason I joined this site after lurking a while was the food tracker. It's a big motivator for me in three ways. First, it makes me aware of the calories I need vs. the calories I want. It's easy to scarf down whatever you feel like when you're not thinking about it. The tracking reminds that food is primarily fuel, even though it can also be an enjoyable indulgence.

Second, it makes me weigh the price of indulgence. I don't deprive myself of anything, as I know that's not sustainable and I'm in this for the long haul. But when I have a craving for ice cream, cake, etc., I consider how it would fit in with the day's plan. Can I offset it with some exercise and good choices for the rest of the day? If not, is it worth going over? Is it one great after a week's worth of good eating or part of a trend of iffy choices?

Third, it keeps me accountable. I leave it open to friends and look back at it myself. I need to be open and accountable for my choices.

I'm sure people use it and get benefit from the food diary in many ways, but that's how I use it for motivation.