Little changes can reap big rewards...

Hi all

Over the last month of being on MFP, I have seen so many posts along the lines of.. "I can't find the motivation to exercise" or " I don't have time to exercise". I can understand and sympathize with both these statement.
I find going to the gym boring. Running on a treadmill staring blankly at a wall and paying £40 a month for the privilege is my idea of hell.
I get up at 7:00 - Leave the house at 7:45 and I am very rarely back in the door before 18:00.

But I want to lose weight, I want to be healthier and happier so guess what? I make time.

Once a week I have started going to Zumba. 45 minutes, once a week. Not a lot really.
But it's the small changes to my day that have made a difference. Extra exercise that does not seem like exercise at all:

I park the furthest away from the supermarket. May not seem like much on the way in but with a full trolley on the way out, it's a different story.
I always take the stairs, rather than use an escolater or lift.
I park my car outside of town and walk in, instead of using the multi storey car park (saves money too).

My point is you can always find a little bit of time to exercise even if it is 10 minutes a day and if you want it enough, you will always find the motivation.

A healthy body will not be handed to you on a plate. You have to get off your area and get it.


  • gemma1675
    gemma1675 Posts: 44 Member
    Good post.
    I started going for a short walk at lunchtime, it doesn't take a lot of effort, gets me out of the office for twenty minutes, and is a little bit of exercise. It all helps surely.