Finally making a change and need support

Hello, I am a women in my early 30's, single and with very little support around me. I am have struggled with my weight from the time I was a child through my teen and into my early 20's and then just stopped caring. I struggle with hormonal issues, depression and anxiety and I was put on medication that made me gain about 40 pounds at once and I just gave up. It had been about 8 years of eating pretty much anything I wanted because I just didn't care enough to change.

My weight plateaued and I wasn't gaining or loosing any real weight and fit in the same clothes size for the last 2 and a half years but in the last few months I put on 15 pounds without much change in lifestyle. I have noticed I am having a hard time catching my breath even though I live a naturally active lifestyle on my feet every day all day for work.

I work almost every day alone and don't get to much face time with my friends and family so support and accountability are hard for me. I am hoping in this community I can find some friends who are going through this journey also and we can help each other. I need to loose about 1/3 of my body weight in order to reach my goal so I know I will need lots of help and motivation.


  • xtinajacob2014
    Hello Peacockbutter.

    My name is Kristina. I am 27 years old and I have a 22 month old daughter. I have tried dieting over and over and over again and usually just end of giving up when I plateau and then gain the weight back. I am determined to stick with it this time.I just started using MFP again today and it would be awesome if we could support each other!
  • billyswife0516

    My name is Shelly. I am 31 years old and also had a lot of weight to lose. I started my journey at 321 pounds. My main goal is to get to 180 and then go from there on where I would like to eventually be. I have currently lost 78 pounds and weigh 243. Feel free to add me for support :-) And good luck!
  • tcat100
    tcat100 Posts: 33 Member
    I too have struggled with my weight. However, I learned something valuable recently through my work. I am always encouraging my patients not to dwell so much on the whole picture or the long enduring road ahead of them. Instead, celebrate the little things, the littlest of accomplishments. So now I celebrate that I chose a healthy snack over chips or I lost a 1/2 pound or even I took a walk/run that was even 10 seconds longer than the day before. Make a journal of your achievements, then when find yourself sliding backward you can look at it and see how far you have come or wow, look what I can do! Hope this helps. Add me if you like.