Okay.. What now!



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm afraid yes about 1000 a day. I appreciate that's low but to me, logic suggests eating more will simply reverse the weight loss. I did lose a hell of a lot before starting the workout. It's departed all my body but my damn belly!!!!
    Logic? No logic suggests that if you eat more than 3500 calories a day you'll reverse it.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    Wow harsh stuff! I am listening to all your advice actually.
    So let's say I have my 3 meals as before and throw in. 3 more equating to another 800 calories.
    Say 2 boiled eggs and grilled chicken and an apple.
    My bmr apparently is 1934 so that'll be about 1600 calories.
    Would that help?
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I'd say you'd have to eat more, if you continue on eating about 900 cals only, you'll lose both muscle and fat.
    and your hair
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I agree with that! I am doing pretty well during exercises with my limited diet!
    Admittedly I keep getting blackouts when I stand up!!

    You black out when you stand up and then wonder why no one is impressed by your diet? Think about that for a moment. Blacking out should not be a part of anyone's diet.

    sigh...My advice...do some research...if after doing that research you feel as if 900 calories is enough...then that is your choice...not a real bright one...but yours to make.

    I do hope however that you reconsider.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Wow harsh stuff! I am listening to all your advice actually.
    So let's say I have my 3 meals as before and throw in. 3 more equating to another 800 calories.
    Say 2 boiled eggs and grilled chicken and an apple.
    My bmr apparently is 1934 so that'll be about 1600 calories.
    Would that help?

    1600 is a better intake. However, you need more variety. Have more fats with your meals. Fat is needed.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    100% changing diet! Your comments have been a real reality check!
    I honestly haven't dieted before and therefore am truly ignorant to the logic of what you're telling me.
    I did think that it probably would return after so it does all makes sense!
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    Fats needed.. Not saturates though.. A curry for instance I am craving like hell!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!
    This sounds like you believe in spot reduction O.o
    Which is a myth, y'know.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    What's spot reduction?
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Wow harsh stuff! I am listening to all your advice actually.
    So let's say I have my 3 meals as before and throw in. 3 more equating to another 800 calories.
    Say 2 boiled eggs and grilled chicken and an apple.
    My bmr apparently is 1934 so that'll be about 1600 calories.
    Would that help?

    You know your BMR - that's good.
    You have created a calorie deficit below your BMR - that's NOT good.
    Your BMR is what it takes to simply stay alive - that does not include regular daily activity. You should avoid eating below BMR because you are robbing your body of the energy it needs to function.
    I suggest you find out your TDEE. That's your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. That's the amount of calories you need to sustain your current weight. I added a link below to help you calculate it.
    Also search for posts on MFP that discuss the finer aspects of using the TDEE method for weight loss.
    Once you have your TDEE, you need to figure out your deficit - what you hope to lose.
    You need to associate your calorie deficit (ex: -15%) from your TDEE, NOT your BMR. You had an OK idea before (meaning you were trying to create a calorie deficit based on your body), but you based your calculations off your BMR (survival calories) instead of your TDEE (daily living calories).
    The really important thing you were missing is that you were not adjusting for your new increased activity level. You are now demanding MORE from your body, which requires additional fuel.
    When you calculate your TDEE, you need to estimate your activity level for your usual week. If you are doing Insanity 4 times a week, then you need to factor that increased activity in your TDEE.
    Bottom line: Even if you eat more, you will still lose weight and you will still develop muscle because you are doing cardio and strength exercises regularly. TDEE -X% will help you reach your goals. It has worked miracles for many people here on MFP who have accomplished what you hope to accomplish yourself.
    I hope that helps.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm afraid yes about 1000 a day. I appreciate that's low but to me, logic suggests eating more will simply reverse the weight loss. I did lose a hell of a lot before starting the workout. It's departed all my body but my damn belly!!!!
    Well, eating that few calories will cause you initial weight gain no matter what amount you eat. Why? Because you are not eating enough.

    The weight gain will taper off after a short while, then if you eat over your TDEE (total daily Energy Expenditure) you will gain weight[, but you will not gain weight if you eat below that.

    If you have been eating at such a deficit, you are not gaining muscle. In fact, I'll bet you are losing muscle.

    If I were you, I'd increase your calories and continue wth the weight lifting.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!
    Well, eat more and you will get those hot abs. Period.

    You are correct, I am not impressed by your diet.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    Wow that's really really good advice and I appreciate it greatly!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    That sounds good stef! Will that continue to work on the insanity? People will say I'm mad doing insanity on 500 calories twice a week!

    You can exercise while eating 500 cal TWICE a week as long as you eat up (not over) your TDEE on the remaining 5 days! Take note: once again...you need to eat MORE to lose weight!

    No, Stef, this information is incorrect. He needs to eat more than that on any given day in order to properly fuel his body.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Fats needed.. Not saturates though.. A curry for instance I am craving like hell!

    And for heaven's sake, have some curry. I'm making some Chicken Makhani tomorrow aka Butter Chicken. If your recipe calls for oils/fats, just use less. Swap out high-fat yogurt or cream for low or zero fat versions, double the lean protein and serve it with way less rice (or skip rice altogether). Curry *can* fit in your diet. Also look up IIFYM - "If It Fits Your Macros". It's a diet approach as well. But that's a whole different discussion topic.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    okay my tdee is 3400 calories a day! So if i eat a massive3000 calories a day of healthy things, I will lose weight? Really?
    Also would the insanity be sufficient daily exercise? It only last 40 mins currently?
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    okay my tdee is 3400 calories a day! So if i eat a massive3000 calories a day of healthy things, I will lose weight? Really?
    Also would the insanity be sufficient daily exercise? It only last 40 mins currently?

    OK. I punched in your numbers into the TDEE calculator and here's what I got.
    Male, 34 years old, 84kg, 6'2"
    If I picked light exercise (1-3 days/wk), your TDEE is 2647 cals/day.
    If I picked moderate exercise (3-5 days/wk), your TDEE is 2984 cals/day.

    Even if you are doing Insanity every day, I wouldn't go above moderate activity. I know that doesn't make sense. I think "heavy exercise" is really meant for people who work out extensively nearly every day.

    You can probably try a TDEE-20% deficit (perhaps even TDEE -15%). That would give you 2118 cals/day for light exercise and 2387 cals/day for moderate exercise. Try the "moderate" 2387 cals/day and if you feel that's not as effective for weight loss, try the lower 2118 cals/day.

    NOW, as you get smaller, you will need to recalculate your TDEE because there is less of you. Down the road, you may also want to consider changing from 20% to 15% because it gets harder to cut calories the closer you get to your goal weight. Luckily, your body will give you hints about what you need to adjust.

    Again, I hope that helps.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    thats perfect!! I really appreciate you taking the time to look that it!
    I will use exactly those figures.. Should I avoid eating too late?
    Too early?
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    If you start to eat maintenance you will gain some scale weight as your glycogen stores are replenished. Don't panic,. it will level off.

    crash dieting will result in the loss of hard earned muscle mass.You need to figure out how to eat sensibly at a slight deficit and your composition will improve over time.
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    this is all great news! I was really getting pissed off with eating sweet FA!!
    Thanks again everyone for your feedback, good or bad!