I can't WAIT!

So ive been recovering from anorexia on my own for the few weeks, and i can't wait until i get to a healthy weight! I cant wait to get my period back (I know that was a tmi but its true) AND I CANT WAIT UNTIL I CAN EAT NORMALLY AND NOT STUFF MY FACE WITH FOOD TO GAIN D: Ive already have been thinking about summer break and how perfect its going to be :)

There really was no question or anything just talking i guess :)


  • take baby steps on your road to better health!
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    You are so awesome!

    I love your attitude and I really hope you get up to your goal weight a safely and soon as possible.

    Around the boards, you sometimes start reading a post about someone trying to lose weight and you're like "Holey cow! You can't possibly lose anymore weight without dying, WTF are you thinking?!"

    So proud of you for your strength,and I hope you find some support from other people who have suffered from eating disorders and want to get better on the site. Really, so happy for you!
  • mekkzy888
    mekkzy888 Posts: 100 Member
    Wow, well done for being so positive and wanting to get better!

    You say you've been trying on your own and that's great, but anorexia is serious and it takes time to recover. Sometimes you might need help and there are loads of places, people and organisations who will support you through this if you just ask :)

    Good luck in getting to that healthy weight!!!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Awesome!!! Healthy is so sexy and good for you that I'm so glad you are excited :) You should be! It's the perfect goal.
  • KatieHugsBugs
    KatieHugsBugs Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks guys :)

    I understand some people want to take it slow for example "Give me a salad and a tablespoon of dressing, please" Yah know?
    While im over here taking it on full force, for example "HEY WHERES THE OTHER JAR OF PEANUT BUTTER!"
    And do not worry i am not a binge eater ive heard of people recovering and binging but im not :)